Okun University: Banji Jimoh Commends Gov. Yahaya Bello

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  • Says Bello has demonstrated he is a friend and lover of Okun Nation

A former governorship aspirant in the just concluded governorship primary election of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Adebanji David Jimoh, has commended Governor Yahaya Bello for approving the establishment of a university in Okun land.

He described the Governor as a friend and lover of Okun nation.

Adebanji David Jimoh made the disclosure in a statement issued in Kabba on Friday.

“I want to sincerely thank His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello, the Executive Governor of Kogi State for fulfilling yet another of the electoral promises he made during his campaign to the people of Okunland,” he said. 

The seasoned banker turn politician thanked Governor Yahaya Bello for always having the interest and progress of Okun people at heart.

The APC chieftain noted that the large turnout of the good people of Okun nation to welcome the APC governorship candidate, Alhaji Usman Ododo, in the forthcoming Kogi State gubernatorial election in Kabba is an indication that Okun people will continue to support the policies, activities and programmes of Governor Yahaya Bello as they have in the last seven years and also into the future.

Adebanji David Jimoh who said all Okun sons and daughters should  thank HE Yahaya Adoza Bello  urged the committee for the establishment of the University  once formed, should get down to work and ensure immediate take-off of the University as planned. He also urge all those with useful inputs to give their contribution without bias  to them as soon as all modalities for the take off are ratified.

He appealed to the good people of Okun Nation to reciprocate the gesture by turning out in their large numbers in the forthcoming Kogi Governorship election to vote overwhelmingly for APC Governorship candidate, Alhaji Usman Ododo as such he noted would sustain the giant stride and legacy of Governor Yahaya Bello when elected as Governor.

Adebanji David Jimoh urged the people of Okun Nation in particular and Kogi State in general to continue to support and pray for the Governor while appealing to them to be patient noting that all other promises of the Governor to the people would be delivered to them before the end of the administration. He said government alone cannot meet all the yearning and aspirations of the people and appeal to spirited individuals in the society to rise up to compliment the efforts of the government by using their resources to support the needs of the people.

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