Of a Deadlier Cholera, Drowsy Healthcare and a Need for Upgrades

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The Head of the Nigerian Centre for Diseases Control NCDC, Dr Chike Ihekweazu has revealed that at 816 deaths, cholera has killed more Nigerians than the dreaded COVID’19 this year. Quite painful that cholera still has inroads through which it deals mortal blows on the Nigerian population with a striking speed of kill.

Even though we refuse to admit our peculiarities as a people occupying a peculiar space, the morbid potencies of this and other tropical diseases is clear and convincing and striking. So convincing that our obsession with everything foreign begins to look like some kind of hypnosis or, at least, conspiratorial. I actually know it’s neither. We merely need to get our acts together.

Statistics arising from diseases like cholera or lassa fever etc. leave us with humbling data that must now get us thinking smartly on getting solutions. It must keep us diligently seeking homegrown approaches.

This is why I believe the Governor of Kogi State Alhaji Yahaya Bello deserves some credits. But it is valuable to not merely remember that the gentleman encouraged us to be mindful of our peculiarities, but has been able to walk the talk by committing billions of naira to medical infrastructure across Kogi State.

Even though he is the youngest governor in the country, he believes that the tall dream of making his state a hub of world class medical infrastructure, where Healthcare delivery stands shoulder-to-shoulder with those in advanced societies are within his reach.

– Tade Oshaloto writes from Igbaruku, Kogi State.

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