My Views on KSU Strike by Julius Oluwole

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My people, it is no more a news that lecturers and members of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Kogi State University chapter have been paid 4 months salary out of 5 months owed by state government.
The most surprising issue at the moment is that KSU ASUU has refused to call off the strike based on the ‘unreasonable fact’ that they want state government to complete the payment before any form of consideration is given to resumption date.
I stand to be quoted, ASUU (KSU CHAPTER) pretend to be ignorant of the present financial situation in Kogi state and are bent on making we the students suffer.
In my own view, there is no sense in the continuation of the infamous strike after government has paid four full month salaries.
I urge all lecturers to please consider the students and call off the strike.
Thank you.
Julius Oluwole

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