Matthew Ochada: Ushering a Leader That Feels The Pain of His People

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Omala local government deserves to be manned by a personality whose antecedents had always been at the forefront of canvassing for a better Omala.
Someone who feels the pains of his people and carve for development of his fatherland.
Omala needs an experienced politician that can use the limited available resources within his disposal to turn around the fortunes of the local government.
Hon. Matthew Ochada (HMO) is the man. No wonder his aspiration was greeted by  a massive acceptability by the people he so wished to lead.
The Omala people, gave his ambition a greenlight not because of anything but because the people knows who will deliver if given the opportunity. They know those who have the intellectual concept of leadership and what it entails.
Reason why a large chunk of Omala youths and elders are clamouring for HMO who had been a crusader for a better Omala. The under development of Omala had given him sleepless nights. He wears the shoe and knows where it pinches.
Politics they say it’s a game of numbers. With HMO as Omala council boss, the assurances of a large majority of Omala youths, women and elders, embracing the APC is as sure as there’s always tomorrow. Reason because, he had created a niche for himself by his antecedents which had endeared him to his people.
HMO is an assets to the Omala political class. His political admirers and supporters knows no bound and cut across all political parties.
His EXPERIENCE in the political spheres of the state had shown he is capable to TRANSFORM the local government area for the better if given the opportunity, as he is ready to put his experience to bear.
Hon. Matthew Ochada will PERFORM credibly well if given the opportunity to serve. He is capable and reliable.
He is a core GYBist and CEDOnite. He is ready to take Omala from the doldrums of underdevelopment and usher in purposeful leadership that will change Omala for the BETTER.
HMO remains the BEST man for the JOB.
– Timothy Ichaba
For: Omala Youths Solidarity

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