Lokoja/Koto House of Reps By-Election; The Way Out

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This is time to decide either to remain in perpetual bondage or be  free from the shackle of slavery and power marginalization. We either remain in the past and reap the consequences of deprivation, alienation and lack of good representative or  we opt for the present global race to enjoy the dividends of freedom and true democracy.

We must rise up now to join the moving train of freedom that is fast gathering momentum.

We must take the Bold Steps To Freedom And True Democracy.

We should not stand by and watch our politics or community alienated politically due to sentiment or irresponsibility of some individuals. We need Genuine Politician like Rt Hon. Umar Ahmed Imam who has integrity, with genuine love for our people and can also offer better representation.

Our Yearning:

Lokoja/Koto will continue and will also be fully represented at d National Assembly if we truly give him our total votes and support having been tested , trusted and even with deeper experience. Rt Hon. Umar Ahmed Imam has scored in legislative functions and duties. He has represented us well at d State level, let us give him our next level support and experience an endless breakthrough and development in our Federal Constituency. We strongly believe that with Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam representing us at the National Level our Federal Constituency will be the best in the history of Nigeria.

Why Rt. Hon. Umar Ahmed Imam?

Some may ask, what does Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam need again?

Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam wants nothing other than the Best for Lokoja/ Koto Federal Constituency, Kogites, Nigerians and the whole world. And he will continue to want nothing LESS!!!.If not Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam who can bring us out of Our wilderness experience??? “out side Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam is Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam”!!!

Voting Rt. Hon Umar Ahmed Imam Come 2018.

No more killings. No more persecution. No more trouble, Affliction is Over. We don’t need a Representative who cannot speak for us in the Chamber while we suffer. We don’t need Noise maker. National Assembly is not meant for amateurs.

Our Lokoja/ Koto Federal House of Representative Seat is meant for Articulate, Credible, Reliable, Accessible, Experienced people like Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam.


Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam, Most Effective Political Ground Breaker In Lokoja/ Koto Federal Constituency.


  1. He Builds Plans That Can Make The People’s Lives Better And Valuable Every Time.

Ideas without a plan are just pipe dreams.

 Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam is a political Ground Breaker ( First Politician to do, make or fight for something) who knows this and won’t be contend until next steps have been clarified. He is an effective and Compassionate Politician who always plans for the well-being and betterment of the good people of Kogi State.

  1. He Stays Focused.

 RT HON UMAR AHMED IMAM is  an Effective and Passionate Politician who recognises that a myriad of things will compete for his time and attention, so he always sets his Priorities and remains focused on them. He manages his calendar so that his top priorities are scheduled first. He always begins his day with a decision to focus on his most important tasks.


  1. He Keeps His Eye On The Big Picture.

While  Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam manages the details and is attentive to what it takes to bring a plan to fruition, he keeps the big picture in front of himself and those he leads. He doesn’t lose sight of the goals that can make the lives of the good people of Kogi State  more meaningful and enjoyable.


  1. He Is Patient And Persistent.

Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam is a Political doyen ( The Senior, or Eldest Male member of a group. A leading light, or exemplar of a particular practice or movement.) who knows that accomplishing big goals doesn’t happen overnight. He is a trustworthy politician who recognises the value of being patient with the process and the people, and yet persistent to stay after the goals.

Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam  is a political frontiersman and a great gift to the good people of Kogi State. He always brings clarity with his plans, provides direction with his ability to see the big picture, inspires confidence with his patience and persistence, and his self  leadership is a source of strength to those he influences.


  1. He Leads Himself Well.

Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam is a seminal politician (Highly influential person, especially in some original way, and providing a basis for future development or research) who always seeks to be self aware and to understand where he needs to grow and change. He recognises his influence on others and seeks to be a leader others value and respect. He knows that ultimately he can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam is a leadership pioneer and a political legend.

His passion is to lead well and to inspire, equip, and encourage others to do the same. He speaks at Conferences seeking to help others develop their leadership gifts and lead confidently in the different spheres of influence God has granted them and still struggling to make an unforgettable and unique difference in Kogi State by aspiring to represent Lokoja/ koto Federal Constituency at the Federal House of Representatives.

It’s been very much a part of  Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam’s life. He’s never been afraid to commit to what he believes in.

He helps everybody who calls him for assistance or goes to his office without knowing them before. He is a sympathetic politician who likes putting smiles on people’s faces.

Uncontroversial, Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam is the most effective political ground breaker in Kogi State currently.

In conclusion, Lokoja/ Koto Federal Constituency will continue to remain a very strong voice and participate actively in all activities at national and International level and we will Ensure that Lokoja/Koto Constituency remain in the main stream of national politics. The development and Modernization of our Constituency and Society must be anchored and sustained on dynamic culture, enduring values and enriching Kogi dream. We must have abiding faith in our Constituency and its role and place within the political space.

This agenda setting may appear ambitious but considering the antecedents of our amiable and dynamic young man, Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam is the best person for Lokoja /Koto Federal House of Representatives come this by-election 2018.

Rt Hon Umar Ahmed Imam is:

  • Purely Kogite
  • Soundly educated
  • Absolutely political
  • Truly experienced
  • Practically tested
  • Outstandingly good
  • Humanly and God fearing

He will make an impressive job of the task ahead.

Comrade Iyanu Solomon, General Secretary

 0803 645 4195

Comrade Ayuba Shaibu, Dir.of Publicity


Comrade Abadunmi Sunday Femi, Chairman


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