Kogi HMB CMD Bags Ambassador of Ethics & Conscience Award

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By Stephen Adeleye.
The Centre for Ethics and Self Value Orientation (CESVO), Lokoja, has bestowed “Ambassador of Ethics and Conscience’’ Award, on the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of Kogi Hospitals Management Board (KSHMB), Dr Zakari Usman.
Presenting the award to the CMD in Lokoja on Friday, the Executive Director of the NGO, Mr Salih Yakubu, said the recipient’s personal leadership traits was secretly and independently assessed in key thematic areas.
Yakubu mentioned the thematic areas as: integrity, transparency & accountability, time management skills, Servicom compliance, advanced emotional intelligent, public accountability, due process, innovative and leadership skills, among others.
According to Yakubu, the CESVO is an international Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), exposing corruption, promoting ethical leadership, education and value re-orientation.
“As an anti-corruption NGO, we are secret independent assessment organisation, because we have realised that in assessing public institutions if you consult them, they will want to induce you.
“So, we are doing our investigation secretly and discretely without the consent of our target subject of assessment, which is what we did in the case of KSHMB.
“For over seven years, we have been conducting this similar exercise in Kogi and the same board has been featured three times in our corruption index in terms of the state MDAs index.
“But this time around within just a year of this leadership, our secret investigation revealed that lots of reforms have been put in place even though they are not there yet.
“If the management is prudent and responsive, the hospitals under their care would surely render qualitative service delivery to the people.
“Ours is to encourage them and that is why we intend to train 100 of their staff on ethical values, as our own appreciation to them for being responsible managers,” Yakubu said.
He added that the NGO had trained over 3000 lecturers of tertiary in both federal and state tertiary institutions, which is a modern way of stopping corruption.
The CMD told NAN that he felt humbled and honoured about the award bestowed on him, saying “it is a form of encouragement and impetus to do more.
“I feel good and excited that I am contributing something and people are independently acknowledging it.”
He noted that he had actually refused and turned down several awards because lots of them could not say what I did to deserve those awards.
“But this NGO has been able to tell us not only what we are doing right, but even gone beyond convincing us of their due diligence by also relating to issues in our health facilities in the local government areas.
“It tells us that whatever we are doing right and people are acknowledging it, we should step up and go beyond the level of what we are doing now.
“We need to keep pushing the frontiers, breaking barriers and overcoming challenges, until the last person that walks out of any of our facilities is very happy and contended by the services provided,” Zakari said.

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