Kogi Govt: The Confluence Pains by Abdullahi Suleiman Otiwe

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As a young Nigerian, I decided to create distinct culture in contribution to the Nation I was born into and proud to call it my own. I submit my very self to poetry in voicing my opinion of Nigeria state of Nation.

ABOUT THE POEM: The herein submitted poem is about the agonies of Kogi state indigenes and the umbrella of bad, corrupted and betrayed government forced upon the people of the state. The poem aims to pointing the socio political anomie in state and the need to be very meticulous in decision of who lead the state through the forthcoming election for the Lugard House. I ventured to call myself as a ‘Poetic Activist’ because I strikes through the literary genre of poetry to attacking ‘my father’s dogs’ and thereby showing them through my criticism ‘the road they should take’. I will be glad if the poem is published on your paper. Thanks.

Below is the poem: KOGI GOV’T: CONFLUENCE PAINS.

I surrender my poetic career to be an ambush

To hunting the bully dogs of my father land

Showing them the road they should take

Shoulder high myself a

Poetic Activist I wonder lonely as the virgin moon

Trekking round the world without disciples

Showing every men the road they should take

Yet the world wonder why it is so high

My State wonder in the wilderness

Searching the truths she had banished

Throwing stone upon the innocent eggs

Yet when Sodom burnt Gomorrah feels I saw the half of the yellow moon

The only mask left upon the Kogites

Produced by the Pharaohs in the State

Those who honesty has vouch to murder

Two rivers diverge in the yellow moon

The Y river nature termed unity symbol

In the State where Judas betrayed Jesus

Yet the sinners claim holistic Saint

But we are the saviour of our life

The untold tale in the bygone State Kogi where racism born and dies

With one tribal mini God of men

Though as an Igala not as God

The untold tale in the bygone State Kogi where fittest survived

And the unfit perpetually eliminate Kogi where part of Goodluck was deported

Yet we pretended we have not heard

The untold hardship in the State

And market of customised lies in the State

By the Philanthropists of our bondage

So shall truth bears lies witness

To what harms did to our State

By the Philanthropists our our bondage

The investors of our continual lacks

Who thinks mountain do not fall?

The what happen to Nairas in Kogi State?

The minted papers taken in midnight

To widen our perpetually suffering

Workers in the State defeated by hunger

Students purged in their savagery

Yet we pretended we have not heard

What hardship did to our state

By the Philanthropists of our bondage

Pity flogs me as I lost the sight to behold

When once I saw my State purged in corruption

With million years projects remains abandoned

Yet each year we received the white paper

Sleepless dream my king dreams

Seeking to be crowned another

While we are in confluence state

With confluence pains continual.

– Abdullahi Suleiman Otiwe

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