Kogi Central Senate: Gov. Bello, Please Yield To The People’s Choice

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Arguably, since late Senator A.T Ahmed left the red chamber the central senatorial district of Kogi state has yearned for quality and effective representation at the National  Assembly. The score card of the personalities who have represented us, both at the House of Representatives and the Senate, since Nigeria’s return to democratic rule in 1999 has been too scanty in terms of sponsored bills, federal projects attracted to Ebira land and quality of contributions made during plenary.

Unfortunately, representatives and senators from our path of the country are majorly known for sleeping off or reading newspapers while important and vital issues are deliberated.

Our lawmakers are always the first to be mentioned when listing “bench warmers” and “I support” members and senators.

Although some people have described the abysmally low quality of representation and contributions legislators of Ebira origin to the kind of political system that prevails in our land, which favors and allows politicians with relatively low academic qualifications, scanty credentials and very few wealth of experience to emerge largely due to their financial muscle, ability to mobilise thugs or political rascality.

Over the years, our federal lawmakers have reduced representation to mere distribution of a few items like Keke NAPEP (tricycles), motor cycles, sewing machines, hair dryers and food stuffs to a few of their party loyalists and political thugs under the guise of carrying out empowerment programmes.

The fact that our elected representatives haven’t been able to look beyond sharing of a few gift items means they lacked the fundamental capacity or capability to comprehend the real meaning of empowerment or ways to truly affect and make meaningful impact on their constituencies or senatorial districts. Even when members of the public tries to call their attention or educate them on the things that should be done to benefit a larger population of their constituents, such ideas are discarded and ignored because of the low mental acuteness of the representative to fully comprehend and articulate simple things.

The lack of adequate maintenance of federal establishments, near moribund and abandonment that federal projects and structures are presently in is a pointer to the fact that the federal lawmakers from the central district of Kogi State do not have the slightest idea or an iota of knowledge of their duties and responsibilities at the hallowed chambers.

Currently, the state of Okene-Lokoja federal highway leaves much to be desired and can be described as a national shame. If attracting new federal presence and projects becomes such an impossible task for our Reps Members and Senators, they should at least make efforts in asking the Federal Government to as a matter of urgency and national emergency fix and maintain existing dilapidated ones.

The clamor for the revitalization and resuscitation of Ajaokuta steel complex has continued to suffer neglect despite all that this country stand to benefit from the gigantic company, this is because we have always allowed half-backed personalities, semi-literates and politicians who are intellectually deficient to represent Kogi Central at the National Assembly.

For the very first time in our history as a people, the good people of Kogi central senatorial district were determined to put forward one of their first eleven and best brains for election into the senate. Just when it is beginning to look like we are finally starting to get it right by unanimously nominating an intellectually mobile, vibrant, sagacious and brilliant and savvy personality like Barrister Natasha Hadiza Akpoti, the signal coming out of Lugard House doesn’t seem to favor the popular wish and choice of the people.

Although, there is nothing fundamentally wrong in a governor endorsing his preferred candidate to vie for elective positions, such endorsements should consider and take the popular opinion of the electorates into cognizance.

Apart from the obvious fact that Natasha’s sole efforts and struggle towards the revitalization of Ajaokuta steel complex has endeared her to the masses in Kogi Central and beyond, Natasha Hadiza Akpoti’s academic credentials are enviable and the enthusiastic and passionate manner with which she carries herself in analysing, presenting and dissecting issues are excellent and brilliant.

Dear Governor Yahaya Bello, note that people like Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu and Bukola Saraki became successful godfathers today and enjoys commanding political grip on their various states by fully understanding the need to always yield to the popular demands of the electorates and the dangers of doing otherwise. Your Excellency sir, since the people of Kogi Central wants Natasha Hadiza Akpoti for senate please do not do otherwise so that posterity would be kind to you.

Let commonsense prevail.

– Hussain Obaro writes from Lokoja, Kogi State


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