Kogi Assembly to Immortalise Late Buba Jibril

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By Julius Olushola Abel.
Kogi State House of Assembly on Tuesday suspended plenary session in honour of a Late former Speaker of the Assembly, Rt. Hon. Umar Buba Jibril and passed a motion moved to immortalise the nation builder who passed on after a brief illness.
Rt. Hon. Umar Ahmed Imam of Lokoja I State Constituency moved the motion as one of urgent public importance during plenary, with the following prayers:
A minute of silence in honour of the departed soul.
A letter of condolence to his family.
That the administrative block be named after him.
That an appeal be conveyed to the State Government to immortalise him posthumously.
Hon. Zakari Osewu Mohammed of Kogi-Koton’Karfe State Constituency while seconding the motion described the departed as a mentor and one who sees politics as service to the people.
Late Rt. Hon. Umar Buba Jibril who until his death was the Deputy House Leader, House of Representatives was described by other members as a man of goodwill, little wonder he enjoys lots of support from the people and more reason his family has been sympathised with by local and national politicians and leaders.
Other members who contributed are Hon. Haruna Idoko Musa of Idah State Constituency and Deputy Speaker, Rt. Hon. Hassan Abdullahi of Dekina-Okura State Constituency.
The Speaker, Rt. Hon. Matthew Kolawole while ruling on the motion expressed sadness over the bad news. He noted that what happened to Rt. Hon. Umar Buba Jibril can happen to anyone and there is need for all public office holders to always remember they were sent by the people and should therefore impact positively so that they can be remembered for good as is the case with the departed. He commiserated with the family and constituents on behalf of all members of the 6th Assembly.
All prayers were passed and the Speaker also ruled that all activities be stepped down in honour of the late former Speaker and asked the Deputy Speaker, Rt. Hon. Hassan Abdullahi of Dekina-Okura State Constituency and Rt. Hon. Aliyu Akuh of Omala State Constituency to pray for the repose of the soul of the departed and family according to Islamic and Christian injunctions respectively.

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