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It is a general knowledge that the economy of Nigeria is not as virile as it should be. Kogi State from time has also always found itself in what I would describe as below middle level economy relative to regional economies in Nigeria.
The state Internal Generated Revenue in 2017 was ₦11.24bn compared to ₦26.53bn for Kaduna state which seem to have an average record. I may not compare Kogi State with Lagos State or Kano State in terms of infrastructural development or economy capacity but It is obvious that Kogi State is a privileged state as regards natural and human resources, and even by virtue of its geographical location. A state that is so rich ought to be self-sufficient. The difference between where the state is and where it ought to be is simply leadership! Leadership, not only in the executive arm of government, but even more in the legislative arm.
Yes, the state has made some progress in the Agricultural sector. The government plans and programs in this sector is commendable as the stories are not only on papers but on ground. I’m particularly impressed with the green house project at Osara, it can serve as a case study for educated youths to thrive in Agriculture without much stress and locational constraints.
However, some actions and policies of the government which are largely unchecked by the house of Assembly gives room for concern. Some of them are highlighted below:
• Delays in the payment of salaries even after several promises
• The attitude of the government in the management of security situation in the state, especially as regards the activities of herdsmen.
• The plan of the government to sell state assets in Abuja and Lagos
The way the policies and plans of the government plays out has a great influence on the economy of the state, especially in the long run.
Owe and Abinu people need a representative who puts people before politics, posterity before immediate fleeting gains and someone who has a clear vision of purposeful leadership and able to meaningful contributions that can guide the executives intelligently on the best way to move the state forward. I will lead the voices of reason to ensure the wishes of Kogi people are respected and also ensure that our common wealth and the future are not mortgaged. I know for sure that courage and will-power can break ground no matter the magnitude of contending forces.
The future of Kogi State leadership which I hope to be a part shall be one that shall be responsible on workers’ welfare. We can learn from how Ekiti State government managed the Parish Club refund, such that the civil servants were part of the disbursement process in a transparent way. The old order should give way for the new, workers and youths welfare should not be compromised as they are the engine of the society. Our senior citizens and retiree should all retire home peacefully, and government words should be golden enough to be used as credit. I will bring real-life experience to duties as a parliamentarian, work hard to push for sustainable evidence-based and economically credible policies.
As a mold breaker, I will strive for a brighter future for my constituents in pursuing politics which meet hopes and resolve concerns. Being a member of the house of assembly will be like an accession to a high plinth where I can spread my tentacles to all the four corners of the earth to attract development and opportunities for our people. My focus shall be on skills acquisition: IT, Agriculture, building construction etc. With center across strategic communities in Kabba and Bunu.
I shall establish training centers which shall be comprehensive such that experts can come to train our youths. The products of such training programs will also be assisted to get opportunities at home and in major cities across the country. I will also work towards establishing Kabba/Bunu youth hostels in Lagos and Abuja. This will serve as a general temporary or transitory accommodation for youths from Kabba/Bunu to seek opportunities hitherto inaccessible to them due to lack of such bases in the economic centres of Lagos and Abuja.
I will support students’ education and also help to upgrade communities’ primary and secondary schools. Effort shall be made to get all our secondary school students take science classes. I know my salary, allowances and whatever I may be able to officially facilitate to my constituency may not be able to execute all these programs, but I shall leverage on my leadership skills to put my boot on ground, reach out to all like-minds which abound in our constituency and abroad to gather resources for the execution of these projects. I have a track record in this regards, as a community leader.
What we need for Kogi state to be stable politically, economically and socially are good and dedicated leaders. That is what I stand for; that is what I represent. I therefore declare my interest to contest the seat of Kabba/Bunu constituency in Kogi State house of Assembly in 2019 election. Support your man King-Alfred Ayodele Meseko, let’s work together to turn this dream to reality.
Manifesto Highlights:
• Selfless leadership – work in the legislative arm of government to hold the executive arm accountable to ensure prompt payment of salaries and protect lives and properties from marauding herdsmen
• Skills development and employment
• International investment and exposure
• Transitory bases for the youth in major economic centres (Lagos & Abuja)
• People mobilization through leadership by example.
– King-Alfred Ayodele Meseko, PhD
Aspirant, Kogi State House of Assembly
Kabba-Bunu Constituency.
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