June 14: World Blood Donor Day Speech by KOMSA

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Heroes are people who give their life or part of their life to save others. It is unfortunate that the reverse is the case today in Nigeria. We sing the praises of those who oppress us.
A wise man once said “Blood is life” maybe he was quoting from the Holy book that said “The life of every animal is in the blood”
If blood is life then people who donate blood should be called heroes. Heroes are scarce so are blood donors too.
Do you know that every 2 seconds somebody somewhere needs blood?
According to the world health organization 1% blood donation from 1% of the total population is enough to cater for the need of blood by that population. As little as this is Nigeria still fall short of this meager 1%. According to statistics Nigeria has an approximate population of 200 million people. 1% of 200 million is just 2 million. Now it is clear why we have not been able to keep the 1% recommendation by WHO. Available figures say that Nigeria requires 2 million pints per annum; has only 7% voluntary donors, 60% commercial donors, 33% family replacement.
This is a major national challenge because poor availability of blood in the hospitals, when it is needed, is one of the reasons millions die needlessly from loss of blood during childbirth and accidents. Essentially, donating blood can save a patient’s life and limit the complications of severe blood loss, which can lead to a seriously low haemoglobin level and cause damage to body organs.
Even, attempts by some states of the federation to boost blood donation by making it mandatory for spouses of pregnant women to donate blood before they are registered in public hospitals for ante-natal care, is scaring many pregnant women away from public hospital delivery.
Blood Donation is not only beneficial to the recipient;
The following are the benefits of donating blood:
1.  Blood donation makes you a real superhero. I mean, who doesn’t want to add “Superhero” to their resume?
2. There is a mother sitting in an ICU right now, praying that her child will make it through the night. Donating a unit of your blood will ensure that a child like hers will have the best chance at survival
3.  There are four types of transfusable products that can be derived from a pint of whole blood: red cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate.  As each pint of donated whole blood is separated into two or three of these products, each donation can help save up to three lives
4. It gives way for the production of new blood by the bone marrow
KOMSA hereby encouraged you to go out there(Any nearby Hospital or National blood transfusion center location close to you) and donate blood today and save lives!
Adeku Omeiza Samuel
KOMSA National Vice President

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