Addressing a large crowd during his official declaration in Lokoja on Friday, APC governorship aspirant for the forthcoming Kogi Governorship Election, Barr. Babatunde Irukera said he wants to clean up the system and restore power back to the people while giving them purposeful and people-oriented leadership.
The Director-General/Chief Executive Officer, Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) said he planned to emancipate Kogi state from socio-economic woes through his HELP Agenda.
Irukera said his mission in the governorship race was to clean up the system and restore power back to the people through wholesome pursuit and promotion of Health, Employment, Learning-Education and Prosperity (HELP) with mutual engagement for security.
He said that the state was in dire need of help which he would address through good governance and advised those on the verge of losing hope as a result of the prevailing hardship in the state, not to despair, assuring that help was on the way.
“I want you to tell everybody, your children, our fathers and mothers, tell your brothers, tell your sister, tell workers, pensioners, let one tell 10, those who think it’s about to end, ‘We Are Better Than This, Help Is On The Way”, he said.
Irukera said the choice of leadership should be freely given to the people adding, “The time has come for us in Nigeria to choose our leaders based on character and popularity.
“Let us ask questions, if you are a millionaire show me your work and how you made your money, if you are a businessman tell us what line of business, we are not going to entrust our destiny into the hands of those who cannot explain the source of their wealth.
“We must change the narratives if Kogi must grow and develop. I will kneel down if need be, I will prostrate and do all it takes to change the narratives of Kogi to a progressive state.
“What Kogi needs is a team which all Kogites must belong to so as to guarantee security” he said as he also promised to give Agriculture a top priority attention to guarantee food security.
“l have a vision of greater Kogi, you as an individual must be great, I have an Igala agenda, I have an Okun agenda, I have an Egbira agenda, but for the vision to become reality there must be a mission which is for you to deliver me,” he said.