Igala Youths and Student Network Endorse Ocholi

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A group known as Igala Youths and Students’ Network has joined the growing list of associations across Kogi State that have endorsed the gubernatorial aspiration of Chief James Ocholi, SAN.

Ocholi is aspiring to be the  governor of Kogi State on the platform  of Congress for Progressive Change in the state.

The president of the association, Comrade Umar Atadoga and its secretary, Mariam Isah in a statement noted that the state  was seriously yearning for development and needed a forthright politician in the mould of Chief Ocholi to pilot its affairs.

It emphasised the need for the people of the state to sink their differences and elect a credible leader that would move the state forward even as it urged them not to miss this opportunity.

The statement further described Chief Ocholi as a vibrant young man who has impacted positively on the lives of the people, particularly the downtrodden.

It stressed that since ideas ruled the world, it has become imperative for the electorate to vote visionary personality like the CPC governorship candidate, for the socio-economic and political transformation of the state.

According to the statement , Kogi under Chief Ocholi, would be a reference point in the federation and added that the CPC standard bearer would restore confidence in governance by mobilising the people for development.

The group called on the people of the state to give the CPC governorship candidate the support to lead the state in the December election and  advised the youths to shun acts capable of disrupting the coming poll.

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