Hon Rabiu Alfa: A Proven Grassroots Man And Lover Of His People

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It was a great philosopher with the name Simeon Weil who said “Evil being the root of mystery, pain is the root of knowledge.” In trying to comprehend this quote, the chronicles of Hon Alhaji Alfa Momoh Rabiu comes to mind. Even if it is not in exact, it is relatively to his long penchant for the service of his people.
It is as far back as 2007 that he, Hon Alhaji Alfa Momoh Rabiu has been struggling to represent the good people of Ankpa 2 constituency at the Kogi state house of assembly.
So, having gone through the eight wards that makes up Ankpa 2 constituency for two consecutive election years, to say Hon Rabiu Alfa is rooted in his domain becomes an understatement. As expected of him, his roots covers both the culture and aspirations of his people. This which is ordinarily the yardstick of political deceit turned to be the motivating factor of Hon Rabiu Alfa and his stewardship thus far tells much and even more better than words and eulogy will do.
As earlier quoted, evil been the root of mystery, pain is the root of knowledge” is a lesson for anyone to learn from Hon Rabiu Alfa. Without ambiguities, he remains the only house of assembly member from the area to have carried out physical projects since the creation of the constituency and one cannot but affirm it to may be, his lessons from the years of many try.
Even though that this past years of many lessons, shortchanging, rigging and outright impunity would have locked the conscience of the very vibrant, outspoken, focused and fulfilling young man, he on his own will decided to keep the people’s covenant by day and nightly living for the utmost good of his people.
And like a sowed seed which must be reaped, Hon Alhaji Alfa Momoh Rabiu has to his credit the empowerment of several youths in their choice trades and artisan career, payment of external examination fees for students across the constituency, offsetting of medical bills for the old, physically challenged and those in distress, influencing of jobs specifically into the Kogi state revenue board, teaching service, judiciary, environmental protection council etc plus others that are gainfully employed by the federal government via his wealth of influence.
In the area of legislative prudence, Hon Rabiu’s dexterity, leadership acumen and administrative excellence is what translated to his seemingly unrivalled feet as a doyen of legislation via his vibrancy to house deliberations, quality motions and most importantly, positively loud voice which echoes for and only in the interests of the common Kogi man since his resumption of office.
Interestingly, despite the fact that physical infrastructure(s) is(are) ordinarily not a focal point of scoring lawmakers, Hon Rabiu has already laid a solid foundation for himself should this turn a yardstick of his assessment. To this effect, he has successfully executed the following projects across the eight wards that makes up the constituency in the underlined order.
-Enjema Ward 1: Construction of bore hole at Enjema
-Enjema Ward 2: Building of Open market shops at Ofugo
-Enjema Ward 3: Renovation of class room blocks at Inye
-Enjema Ward 4: Renovation of primary school blocks at LGEA Anyitata. And for Ojoku wards;
-Ojoku Ward 1: Building of Open Market shop at central market Ojoku agbodo
-Ojoku Ward 2: Fencing and erosion control at Okaba government secondary school
-Ojoku Ward 3: Building of Open market shops at Inyologu and
-Ojoku Ward 4: Building of open market shops at Ukwo doko market.
In addition to the foregoing, Hon Rabiu single handedly resuscitated the Enabo and Engbede boreholes to alleviate the water need of these communities. He has also through the use of his good office succeeded in ensuring that a total of eight borehole projects are captured across Ankpa 2 constituency in the 2018 fiscal year budget of the state ministry of rural development.
At this juncture, having established all these veritable facts that make up Hon Rabiu Alfa’s chronicle for his tenure under review, there is no longer any extra gain to say “Hon Rabiu Alfa Is A Proven Grassroots Man And Lover Of His People.” Moreover, his biological pedigree is one reputable to conserved community building and human empowerment, a virtue that is quite not farfetched from been the secrete motivation to what he has become.
Been a conclusion, I am calling on all well meaning individuals to support and rally round this selfless leader, mass servant, humane politician, agent of good governance, icon of legislative prudence and above all, accountable lawmaker for the greater good of Ankpa 2 constituency.
Finally, bearing in mind the famous quote of Democritus – “No power and no treasure can outweigh the extension of our knowledge.” We must keep this facts in mind and to serve us counsel as we are about to go into yet another electoral era which shall inevitably birth sectional interests with external influence and monetary baits on its shoulders. With it, we shall collectively reject the illusional promises of heaven and earth expected in the form of campaign promises from people whose only contact with the people is election years.
God Bless Hon Rabiu Alfa
God Bless Enjema/Ojoku Districts
God Bless Ankpa Local Government Area

Comrade A. M. Nasiru Is A Constituent, Social Commentator And Public Opinion Moulder

Reachable on naadejohs@gmail.com or Via His Twitter Handle – @amnasiru

Via His Twitter Handle – @amnasiru

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