Hon. Lawal Empowers 140 Women in Yagba West, As Hon. Karimi Commissions Boreholes in Odo-Ere, Others

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…Karimi called on women to ensure they vote out the APC government at all levels in the 2019 polls.


Member representing Yagba West Constituency in Kogi State House of Assembly, Barrister Toyin Lawal on Boxing Day disbursed the sum of N10,000 each to a total of 140 women from across the 14 electoral wards in the local government.


Speaking during the ceremony held in Odo-Ere, headquarters of Yagba West LGA, the lawmaker described the gesture as small scale empowerment and his own little way of sharing with the people especially widows and aged women in a way to ameliorate the bitting effects of economic hardship and hunger in the land.

He explained his job description as a legislator as one limited to making good laws and moving motions for good governance while the executive arm executes.

He however pointed to the resuscitation of the Primary Health Centre at Isanlu-Esa, a block of patient ward at General Hospital, Odo-Ere and the e-learning centre project at Egbe as some of the projects he directly funded.

Hon Lawal also listed the upgrading of the Cottage Hospital in Odo-Ere to a General Hospital and the deployment of a military base in Yagba West following the incessant bank robberies in the area, as offshoots of some of his motions on the floor of the House, upon which the executive acted.


Addressing the gathering, Hon Sunday Karimi, member representing Yagba Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, praised Lawal for providing effective and dependable representation for Yagba West people saying the cash disbursement was commendable and timely.

Saying Hon Lawal has struggled as he is not one that is in the good books of the Lugard House.


Karimi recalled that whereas four of the five members of the House of Assembly in Okunland were originally elected on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), only Hon Lawal chose to remain in the PDP in trust of the mandate given to him by the electorate as all others abandoned the party for pecuniary gains.

PDP, he pointed out, had 16 members in the House of Assembly but the number reduced to 6 after 10 others “as a result of financial inducement” defected to the ruling APC.

For standing firm, Karimi said Lawal has proved beyond any reasonable doubts that he is a man with integrity who deserved to be entrusted with a higher political office in the future.


He called on the women to ensure they vote out the APC government at all levels in the 2019 polls saying what the ruling party in Kogi State has only succeded in offering them were hunger and stagnation.


Meanwhile, rising from the venue of the empowerment programme, Karimi, accompanied by the multitude, commissioned two solar-powered boreholes in Isaba and Oke-Aga both in Odo-Ere.

“I understand that the last time the borehole at Oke-Aga produced water was three years ago, so we decided to do total rehabilitation work through redrilling, installation of solar panel and repair of the tank, while that of Isaba was a totally new one”, he said.


He disclosed that 5 other solar-powered borehole projects recently completed were located in Iya-Merin, Oke-Ere, Ogga, Odo-Egbe and Oke-Egbe.


This he noted brought to 25 motorized and hand-held boreholes this year alone across the federal constituency; 15 rehabilitated and 10 new ones.


Lawal and Karimi with beneficiaries of women empowerment programme



The motorized borehole at Oke-Aga

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