Elections: Support Deen Again Movement Set for Fresh Campaign

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Support Deen Again movement (SDAM) said it would start another phase of its campaign on February 23 following the postponement of the general elections.

Sabdat Baki the Secretary, spoke with newsmen in Billy Guest Inn, yesterday.

He said that the group was using the rescheduling of the elections as an opportunity to strategise further toward winning the 2015 polls.

“We are using the six weeks very well to reposition ourselves and as from Monday (Feb. 23), we are starting another phase of campaign.

“We are starting a massive campaign from ward meetings, town meetings and house-to-house campaigns.

“SDAM is growing in popularity on a daily basis and come March 28 and, we are sure of a hundred per cent victory,” he said.

Sabdat Baki said that the shift in the election dates would in no way dis-organise the group.

Newsmen reports that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) had on Feb. 7 shifted the Presidential and National Assembly elections from Feb. 14 to March 28 and the Governorship and State Assembly elections from Feb. 28 to April 11.

Following the shift, INEC released a new schedule of activities which will see campaigns for presidential and the National Assembly elections ending on March 26, two days to the elections.

Also, according to the schedule, campaigns by governorship and state assemblies’ candidates will now end on April 9.

INEC, in releasing the schedule, stated that Section 99(1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) prohibits advertisements or broadcasts of campaigns 24 hours prior to the day of election.

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