Edward Onoja: If Govt Deteriorates to Point of Disregard for People’s Lives…

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Hon Edward Onoja, here is my cake for you, baked by Mehmet Murat ildan, very nutritious, rich in protein, carbohydrates, fat etc. All the seven classes of food  are found in this article. Kindly get yourself a seat as I celebrate you today. He stated and I quote: “If a government has come to a point not afraid of the people, the people must remind the government that they should be afraid of the people! The people who do not respond on the streets to the arrogance of governments are nothing but herds of coward sheep that have approved fascism!”

It was a serious battle between truth and  falsehood, fear and courage, to speak in this manner especially when it comes to the matter that concerns the government of today. I am human too, everything you feel, I feel it too, but my makeup does not allow me to swim in the pool of silent…so I got to speak to you… Happy birthday

“A bad government cannot only be called a ‘bad’ government; the real adjective should be this: Enemy! Yes, bad government is a real enemy for the country, state it governs, an enemy within!”  Mehmet Murat ildan
Hon Edward Onoja, the chief of staff of Kogi State Governor, His Excellency Alh Yahaya Bello…Happy Birthday.

I will first tender my apology for cerebrating you this late, it wasn’t my making but situation beyond my control…but trust me, I will give you double for your trouble… Happy Birthday.

Hon Edward, I have not met with you but heard about you, read about you and I am glad we have you in this government even if all is not well with the direction and style of the administration…happy birthday.

George Washington quote and I read: “labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.”

Hon Edward Onoja, give me your attention as I search in your “conscience” because it appears that the system you run with your boss and the entire team lack “conscience” and no one is ready to speak and call a spade a spade.

Ladies and gentlemen,  my purpose for such a times as this is the determination to draw a special attention once again to the events across the state, that our progress is rooted in our conscience and ability to do what is right. I believed and convinced that it is time to focus on our prophetic destiny, urgent summons of the elites and elders, traditional rulers, youths and women across the state for conference to deliberate on way forward.

It is crystal clear that our state is divided, and to break out of this deadly and destructive triple virus and bondage to radicalism, materialism, arroganism, crisis and bad  governance. we need to seat at round table for discussion and to seek help from others who God have blessed with ideas, skills, influence and experience….happy birthday.

I shall call few witness to testify and witness against the system, because it does not matter who champions the leadership but the failure of this administration to meet the yearning of the people of Kogi state is the failure of the whole team regardless of what position you occupy in the system.

Witness No. 1: The unpaid salary of civil servant has been lingering since the emergence of this government. By now we shouldn’t be talking about it if prioritized or given maximum attention devoid fraudulent intentions. You will agree with me that the none payment of salaries claimed many lives, drop many out of school, hurt many marriages, render many families hopeless and lure many of our ladies into prostitution and our men into crime and thuggery… Then I ask where is our conscience as a public servant?

Mehmet Murat ildan spoke, I quote: “Bad governments always lie, they camp around falsehood and recruit people to spread falsehood on social media to portray them as credible and fit to lead the people because telling the truth requires honour, courage and result.

Hon. Edward Onoja, it takes wisdom and courage for AIDS patient to admit he is sick before prescription or help.

Our government is sick. We have too many stupid, useless and unproductive people without ideas surrounding the government…Their ambition is to enrich themselves, by themselves and for themselves at the expense of the people and it does not matter how long you remain in power if those set of opportunists remain in sensitive offices your government will remain dormant and unproductive, no matter the amount of loans and inflow from all directions, it will amount to more problems, mark my word… Happy Birthday.

I am lost with truth, I cherish Mehmet Murat ildan. He wrote and I read: “If your country is governed by the most stupid people, it is vital for you to continue going up individually while your nation and your country will be drowning and your country will inevitably collapse and it will be in need of people like you, people who managed to improve themselves while everything else was falling and deteriorating!”…this is the state we found ourselves in Kogi State …happy birthday.

Witness No. 2: Education sector.

I rather remain outside a system to point out the way forward than to be in the system and lost my sight, voiced and the purpose of authority.

Our schools across the state are nothing, the walls are falling apart, hungry teachers hardly can teach their student with all their might and sincerity ..yet we see nothing wrong… where is our conscience Hon COS?

Hon, I travel this way with you because I believe in your loyalty and relationship with GYB. Speak to him the truth, don’t tell him what he want to hear, tell him we are failing and we need to  step up our game because violence wont fix the situation.. You know yourselves- those parasite in the system. point them out for him, truth is not afraid, he is bold, confidence and active…let them go if we must have a state that works… Happy Birthday.
Take a walk across the schools in the state and view things yourself then you will agree with me that we are raising a potential terrorist and failed human resource by our action and in action… Happy New You.

“A state or man who accepts to live a third-class life is just a third-class state or citizen! If a man wants to be called honourable indeed and in truth, he must use the option to refuse any kind of policy which is against human right, dignity! Freedom,  No refuse, no honour! A policy that hunt opposition, selective and bias must be rejected to upgrade his standard of living in his state and nation at large. If we don’t refuse a bad government, then we deserve it all the way!”

Hon Edward, Mehmet Murat ildan, read and I quote: “When a nation chooses an oppressive and reactionary government in election, it does not only betray its own country, but also betray humanity because only free minds in a free country can make a good contribution to humanity”…these are reasons we must advise our governor, to drop intimidating and mechanical system of government, and wisdomly abide by the principles of democracy by seeking peace, unity and reconciliation across the state if we must be a state that works.

I pray, your heart will open to assimilate and digest this article, show the light and the salt we are called to be…. Happy New You.

– Ogo’Ogu Mark Dauda

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