Dr Shaibu Adamu: A Great Man at 60!

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In the eyes of men, a man’s voyage on earth can hugely be quantified. To a man who have shown light to many, that voyage is a moment of breeding. A moment of adding, a moment of grooming and a great moment of mentorship.

My path with Dr Shuaibu Adamu crossed in 1998 when he came to Oguma for the coronation of Late Aguma Kpomgbo. My Late Father, Chief David Abwa introduced Dr Shuaibu Adamu to us and told us beautiful stories about him. In 2004, the need came up for me to undertake the compulsory SIWES program, Dr Adamu came handy. He ensured I was enrolled for the program at the Gwagwalada Area Council working directly in his office. In that clime, I understood the tenacity and huge commitment of a man who is adorn with bright colors of success and discipline.

He was liberal in his ways and very distinguished in the quest to ensure he discharge his duties.

Dr Shaibu Adamu afforded me my first opportunity in research building through The Sasakawa Global Farmers and The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan. He single handedly carried out a successful research in producing a striga resistant Maize variety. It was a huge success recorded in the FCT and other parts of the country. Dr Shaibu Adamu is also in the research team that worked towards the Production of Yam seedling through the Minnisette technology and Yam Propagation through the vine concept using carbonated rice husk.

That experience remain indelible in my life.

On the political scene, Dr Shaibu Adamu have remain steady on his support base. While shying away from participation, he understands the need to ensure proper leadership is given to the masses as required.

Dr Shaibu Adamu have build a vast empire of entrepreneurs in the farming business. This is his calling and he has built a refreshing career in this aspect. Under the Fadama III world bank program, farmers in FCT enjoyed moments of technological and knowledge transfer in building and sustaining the farm enterprise. He and his team ensure farmers record adequate successes across the value chain of various commodity crops.

On his assumption of duty as the Manager of the FCT Community and Social Development Agency, Dr Adamu built a legacy in community development services by provided minimum infrastructure in the local communities adorning the FCT.

Dr Shaibu Adamu is a wonderful family man, a husband to one woman and father to four kids.

As you attain this wonderful age of SIXTY, I know you will continue to do more for us all.

I am so Proud of you and your accomplishments.

Happy birthday Sir!!!!

Yizogembi Abwa

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