Democracy Day Broadcast: Another Lie of Gov Yahaya Bello

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The Kogi State Chapter of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, has described the allegation of diversion of N2billion CBN SME funds by former Governor Idris Wada as another lie of Gov. Yahaya Bello aimed at diverting attention from his inept, directionless and corrupt administration.

In a statement issued in Lokoja while reacting to the allegation of diversion made by the Governor in his Democracy Day Broadcast, Achadu Dickson, Director Research and Documentation to the State PDP, described the broadcast and allegation as a hoax, laced with blatant lies to cover his inadequacies and mis-governance.

The statement averred that no amount of lieing and blackmail geared towards inciting the youths of the state against the former governor would achieve the desired success, said rather than grapple with his image problem occasioned by the sack of over 60% of workers in the 21 Local Government Areas of the State and another planed retrenchment of 14,000 workers in the State Civil service recently uncovered, Gov Bello is busy chasing shadows.

While noting that the previous administration did not only create a robust platform for youths in the state to actualize their entrepreneurial potentials, the employment of over 5000 youths under the YAD4Kogi program for four years and the establishment of the state YESSO office, through the CBN and other social network, are eloquent testimonial of the Wada led PDP administration towards improving the well-being of youths of the state.

The PDP said aside the continuation of all ongoing projects inherited from the PDP administration such as the major road project from welcome to Lokoja, with the road passing through the State Capital, lamented that the few months administration of GYB, has only brought pain and anguish and no gain on the lives of Kogi People.

The statement described GYB as sitting on borrowed time, not merited through electoral votes, said his attempt to draw the immediate past administration to the mud, is an exercise in futility, as the reputation and achievements of the former governor over the years speaks volume. Rather than dissipate energy on blackmail and crying wolf where there is none, the PDP urged the governor to look at the books and records handed over by the past administration rather than allow his inadequacies and inexperience becloud his sense of governance.

The statement advised Gov Bello, to concentrate on repairing his already battered image, as well as check his financial recklessness, that has caused untold hardship on the workers and citizens of the state despite his accessing of five months statutory allocation from the federation account,  N10billion infrastructural Development Fund, N50billion bailout fund processed by the Wada administration and several loans he collected running into billions of Naira from several commercial banks.

The PDP used the medium to sympathize with the good people of Kogi State, for their enduring hardship, patience and perseverance in the face of so much resources the state has collected under GYB, said it is worried by the retrogression the state has made while marking this years democracy day. The PDP also lamented that the state under Gov Bello, has not only lost direction, it has no feasible roadmap for development, assured that soon succor would soon come the way of the people when the stolen mandate is retrieved.

The PDP called on Governor to immediate release to the 21 Local Government Council their allocations of February, March, April, 2016 he collected on their behalf and said to have been paid into a fixed deposit account to yield interest.

The party also cautioned the governor to stop the further retrenchment of Kogi Workers, make the state secure for citizens to carry out their businesses without let or hindrances from men of the underworld and kidnappers, a quality the PDP noted has become the hallmark of the Gov Bello’s administration since coming on board, above all urged him to stop forthwith the financial recklessness and squandering of state resources that has characterized the present administration, thus plunging the state into heavy indebtedness.

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