Congratulations People of Kogi Central on The Impending Victory

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Barr Natasha Hadiza Apoti said and I quote; “whatever I become today, whatever I am, I am by the grace of God and the people who sacrifice their time, life(s) and resources only just to liberate our society from the bondage of corruption and abuse of power…out side the people I am nobody, nothing but a waste supper star.”

I sat at the balcony of my house around 8pm on the 26th of Feb 2019 to meditate on the just concluded election and the worthy stress I went through. I began to have a glimpse into our future as a people of Kogi central. Instantly heaven began to whisper to my ears. He read and I quote…”You can only predict the future of a society just by looking at the (size) magnitude of their dreams. This is because your capacity as a people determines your ability. If we must dream as a people, Please DREAM BIG.

At this juncture all my five senses are activated, I got lost because wisdom of heaven have took hold of me. The same time fear gripped me because the message was not clear to ordinary man like me. Then, I squeezed my head with a loud voice asking “How? touch my understanding that I may know what you are saying”.

I re-adjusted my location to enable me pick the right frequency and the vibrating of wisdom without distraction with a pen and paper.
Then He proceed… “Your people have taken a good step…stop trying  to see the whole staircase of victory before you lunching  another step. You have take the first step. The journey of a thousand miles begins from The Next Step. Take another crucial step with courage. Break the habit of procrastination and bury the fear of unknown.”

Dear Team Barr Natasha Apoti, adaptability and innovation are the root of victory. Chaos and fear are the birth of defeat. The most import thing right now is to dream big, think big, keep moving forward, Ovidi and no matter how slow, if we remain focused, brave, courageous and determine we will get to that place called There (Ovidi)…Mandate Reclaim On The Way.

Shame unto those who have made themselves available to kill for politicians, destroying and stealing votes to the detriment of their own future.

Great and distinguished ladies and gentleman, permit me to  celebrate the winner in disguise that look like the loser in this past election.

I also seems to differ from the public view on who take the glory of Barr Natasha project that was truncated by over ambitious politicians but they have forgotten that God’s ideas don’t die. God’s mandate can’t be stolen, God vision may delay but surely it shall not tarry but come to pass… Victory On The Way.

Ladies and gentleman, I celebrate the people especially those who understand the principle of democracy that stood behind Ovidi Ovidi project, and refuse to sell their future for a token…the truth I tell you, You are the winner. Congratulations.

There is no leader without people, the quality of leader determined the quality of followers. No wonder Barr Natasha first time in politics does not only hit her target but unite the people and discover the best and intellectual Youths of Ebira nation. Woman You Are indeed a Victor.

I once said to us, the body languages of the present administration is to steal, to kill and destroy the mandate of the people of Kogi central that they are dancing toward the beaten drum of destiny but I am glad we have all seen it come to pass. But I say to them, rejoice not for your joy is temporary.

I get pissed off when we have compromised God’s standard, violate the principle and conduct of democracy, abuse human right, oppressed humanity to gain access to power and comeback  pointing finger to heaven as if He is behind our victory. God is not a man, He cannot be fooled or deceived. His dream cannot be stolen and the thief go scot free. No. No. He shall restore His mandate to right owner…stay tuned.

Distinguished people of Kogi Central, He is called Jehovah Rapha, Elshaddai, not Jehovah rigger and soon He shall make himself known to His people that He is God of justice. Rejoice not mandate stealers for your joy is temporary.

I congratulate Okene LG government. My address wherever I go and my great in-laws, Adavi LG, congratulations. Your passion and commitment are noticed, what about Ajaokuta LG? Our great industrial people, the back bone of Kogi central, Kogi state and Nigeria at large. The hope of the nation I doff my hat. Congratulations in advance.

How can I forget the great men and women of Ogori-Magongo? People of integrity, cheated every four years but never give up contributing their meaningful quota for the betterment of our society…Congratulations for the awaiting victory.

Here come my Jerusalem, house of the brave, palace of intellectuals, kingdom of skillful men and women, and a house of faith. They called them all kind of names yet they strive, storm of politics hit them severely by agent of darkness in power yet the refuse to give up…Okehi LG congratulations. You stood your ground despite the intimidation, prescription, oppression and killing… You will forever remain in my heart…don’t give up stay tuned.

I thought of quitting but when I saw you zeal, passion and bravery, I picked up my pen again. I come to say to you, the enemy you see today, you shall see them no more. Congratulations in advance.

The mandate is not Barr Natasha’s mandate. Not my mandate either but God and the people’s mandate. We shall have the last laugh. Barr Natasha is in labor, and we know the pain of labor is very excruciating, but the passion to see the child safely delivered is what fuel the desire to go through the process. This child shall be born and we will all celebrate her.

The Lord is our judge (Judiciary), the Lord is our lawgiver (Legislator), the Lord is our King (Executive), He will save us.

– Ogo’Ogu MD.

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