Barr. Deedat Abdulsalami; Blessed is The Man to Whom Little is Given…

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Marla Gibbs wrote and i quote “I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we’re all teachers – if we’re willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.”

What a day! Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad I made it to witness our brother, Barr Deedat’s birthday… happy New Age.

I am away from my location in Lagos where my antenna is placed to pick accurate frequency and vibration but surely I shall celebrate you in truth and indeed even from my present place of assignment.

Barr Deedat, consider me as one of you best and lovely brother, a trusted friend who will never deceive you or lie to you. One who will not care how you will feel to whip you with the rod of truth and correction and to point you to  a paradise of thinkers, the kingdom of wise men where truth and justice reign  and the palace of wisdom because there is a place called tomorrow after power. Happy birthday.

Barr, you have spent three years now in power and I rejoice with you because for making yourself available even if not for the benefits or interest of the masses but the fact that you risk yourself and courage to take up challenge and face the pain and the gain of power is enough to commend and celebrate you.

Come with me as I once again remind you the purpose of power because he who does not know the purpose of public office will inevitably abuse it.

Barr Deedat, he who belong to a bad system, and benefit from it have no excuse to exempt himself from the consequences. Okehi local government is for all, not for a select few who are drunk with power and you allowed our society the be divided, especially your home Ihima, just to please your master and yet you see nothing  wrong in it. Happy Birthday.

Our schools are no longer a place of knowledge and wisdom, instead of our youths to come out of schools and become a society builder they rather become thugs, threatening the peace and unity of the land yet you see nothing wrong in it…Happy Birthday.

Barr Deedat, I ask you this question and in case you have answer please kindly inbox me to clear my doubt on your personality.

Can you boldly say, you have serve the people of Kogi state with your skills and integrity of your heart considering your antecedence in service?

Can you boldly say you have impacted the youths and implore them to imitate you when given opportunity to serve?

Do you have a clue of what the future generation will say about you after your reign as commissioner for water resource in Kogi state?

“Blessed is the man who little was given but much was delivered in return…posterity will judge him well”

If after your public office and our society is not free from scarcity of portable well…posterity will judge…Happy Birthday.

Barr Deedat, correct your footstep today, redefine your leadership style, open your doors for knowledge, wisdom and call for peace and unity in the land especially Okehi Local Government Area. Happy Barr Deadat.

No wonder marla_gibbs said; “Everything must change and you do what you can with the changes that are made. You can’t stop it. You can’t fight it. Everybody tries to go back to yesterday, but you can’t go back to yesterday. The only time there is, is now.”

I pray as you read and meditate on this article your eyes of understanding will be open…by the time it is over you will be bold to walk free in the society and when we meet face to face our mouth will be fill with testimonies and thanksgiving.

Happy birthday.

– Ogo’Ogu MD.

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