Abuja Electricity Distribution Company Plunges Lokoja Into Darkness

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By Amuda Dan Sulaiman FAB, Lokoja.



Lokoja, the capital city of Kogi State has been plunged into darkness by Abuja Electricity Distribution Company, (AEDC).

According to a prominent Lokoja indigene, what triggered this alleged “callous action” started last week when some youths in some part of Lokoja town, protested the arbitrary and bogus bills they were mandated to pay despite epileptic power supply. The company did not like the way the protest was done.

The officials of Lokoja branch of AEDC were irked, by what they termed the audacity and affront of the youth to protest the alleged injustice.

Thus, the company in a bid to punish the protesters and to serve as a deterrent to other communities cut the power line through the Auto Recluse machine at Zango, not only to Lokoja where the protest occurred, but to other neighboring communities namely; Agbaja, Felele and Sarkin-Noma, in Lokoja local government area.

Since the light was cut off in these communities, all business activities have been paralyzed.

Despite the terrible situation, community leaders have failed to take action and redeem the situation..

It was learnt that, in his effort to see to the regular supply of electricity and water in Lokoja metropolis, Governor Yahaya Bello, last month released the sum of N55million to AEDC.

The money, according to this reporters findings, was shared among the Lokoja branch of the AEDC management staff instead of remitting such to the company’s bank account.

All effort to speak with the Electricity company management staff in Lokoja proved abortive, as none of their official at the office agreed to make any comment.

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