A Silent Achiever; Dr Bolufemi Olarotimi Extols Babatunde Irukera’ Sterling Leadership Qualities

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Okoro Gbede-born politician in Ijumu Local Government Area, Dr. Bolufemi Olarotimi, has paid glowing tribute to the former Executive Vice Chairman at Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), Barr, Babatunde Irukera, describing his performance in the agency as incredible and superlative.

In a statement on Monday, Dr. Bolufemi asserted that Irukera is a human development specialist.

He said the former FCCPC boss is a silent achiever and good manager of resources with sterling leadership qualities who has done so much for his people within short period of his stewardship.

“You have done extremely well, despite the challenges facing the agency before your assumption of office. You came, surmounted the challenges and left indelible footprints making you a reference point of development by locals and international partners.

“In fact you are one fearless leader we refer to as a silent storm, doing incredible things with little or no media frenzy.

“Your contribution to national discourse and development as one that must and should be emulated by all men and women of goodwill. You’re such a passionate Nigerian that wants the best for his dear nation.

“We see in you a powerful source of inspiration, a silent but great and amiable achiever that is more interested in building institutions rather than concentrating on fleeting policies with little impact on the present and future of the people.

“We are happy that there is a paradigm shift and a redefinition of leadership in FCCPC to reflect global best practices.

“You have impacted countless numbers of people through the social welfare programme and those you gave employments (Pensionable Jobs) to. Those families you had lifted and taken away from the streets are so grateful for the joy you extended to them.

“Your kind are rare. It’s my prayers that God is his infinite love grant you more grace and strength to do more for humanity.

“Another noteworthy intervention by the former FCCPC CEO was the life changing opportunities in terms of contracts given to Okun sons and daughters to make major supply in areas like; security, ITC computer equipments, cleaning services and mobility at Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) Headquarters office, zonal and area offices,” he said.

Bolufemi explained that when the former FCCPC boss’ scorecard and antecedents are considered, his focus is to develop the economic status of the nation while issues of empowerment, training and employment for the youths have also taken the front burner.

“Being a man of little words, Barr Babatunde Irukera prioritizes action and has shown unequaled passion and dedication to providing quality representation to his people.

“H.E Barr. Babatunde Irukera is undoubtedly a good man and good men are like angels; they are harmless, taciturn, gentle, and even if you don’t see them, you feel their presence. As a good man that he is, I’m compelled to make it a point of duty to bring to fore how this irregular politician has fared.”

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