Without Prejudice: Retraction And Apology To General Jemibewon And Children

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Upon the publication made on our platform Kogireports.com wherein we published that “General Jemibewon seeks dissolution of over forty years of marriage with Modupe” on the 24th day of April, 2024 and complaints raised by General David Jemibewon and his Children through their Solicitors, Messrs Banwo and Ighodalo, we wish to state as follows:

  1. That through the letter received from the Solicitors to General David Jembewon and children, General David Jemibewon never commenced divorce proceedings against Ms. Modupe Ajayi rather, the Revered General has only filed a petition for nullity against the marriage certificate that Ms. Modupe Ajayi is holding on to.
  2. That upon clarifications made to kogireports.com by our solicitors, we discovered that:
  3. there is a serious difference between petition for dissolution of marriage and petition for nullity.
  4. Kogireports.com has a better understanding now that petition for dissolution of marriage is only applicable where there is a valid and subsisting marriage in the eyes of the law while petition for nullity implies that there is no valid marriage or the marriage is voidable or void ab initio
  5. the intention of General David Jemibewon to have brought an action for nullity in court against Ms Modupe Ajayi is to the extent that the General is asserting that there is no subsisting marriage between him and Ms Modupe Ajayi.
  6. our publication on the 24th day of April 2024 wherein we stated that General David Jemibewon seek dissolution of over forty years of marriage with Ms. Modupe Ajayi is misleading as the intention of the General is to seek for the order of the court to nullify the marriage certificate that Ms Modupe is parading as the General believes as conveyed to us through his solicitors that he is not married to Ms Modupe Ajayi.
  7. In view of the above stated, our platform kogireports.com hereby tenders an unreserved apology to General David Jemibewon his children MS Dele Jemibewon, Mr. Femi Jemibewon, Mrs. Tayo Kola-Daisi, Mrs Abimbola Somolu and Mr. Yomi Jemibewon for any inconveniencies and embarrassment caused by our publication.


For: kogireports.com

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