Rousing Reception for Gov. Bello After Futile Presidential Bid; Insensitive Celebration of Failure

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Kogi State Governor, Alh. Yahaya Bello returned to Lokoja today, 26th June, 2022 to a packaged tumultuous welcome amidst pomp by political appointees and mobilized persons.

The poser is; why the celebration?

The heroic welcome is not only funny but absurd because it is wrong to ascribe the presidential bid of GYB to courage instead of calling it what it actually is; reckless gamble with state resources. The resources on this quest for the presidency by Alh. Yahaya Bello is wasteful, puerile and juvenile

After the fiasco at Eagles Square on    Juine, 2022, the reasonable thing to do is retrospect in sober reflection on the ego trip that has depleted Kogi State resources in no small way.

After hearing the Governor’s speech at the reception, it is clear that no lessons have been learnt.

What exactly is the Governor proud of in a gamble he knew from the start has no chance of success?

Alhaji Yahaya Bello can afford to squander the much he did on his Presidential bid because, it is state resources which are inadequate and could be put to better uses.

He promised to give the Presidency a shot in the future and it will be seen how carefree that quest will be in the absence of access to Kogi State till.

Many of the Governor’s supporters says the bid has put Kogi State on the political map of Nigeria but the Governor corrected that claim by clearly stating it is him that has now been known.

Is this enough reason for the wastage? 

It is quite unfortunate that failure will be so abashedly celebrated by a man who deep in his heart knows he goofed big time irrespective of what his cronies and supporters want to portray.

Now that the futility in the façade garbed in a presidential pursuit is now apparent, it is hoped that serious consideration will be given to governance that has been on standstill since the quest commenced.

Alhaji Yahaya Bello still has time to make up for gaffe by putting more legacy projects in place and making the lives of all inhabitants of Kogi State better.

May this kind of negative pursuit never happen to Kogi State again.

– Abdulhamid Tijani

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