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A woman went to the market to buy eggs for family consumption. Upon her return, she made headway to the kitchen where she sets up the fire with a frying pan already containing small quantity of cooking oil on it. She brought out a clean plate and was ready to collect the eggs from its shell. Suddenly, upon breaking one of the eggs, she discovered it was extremely bad. So she quickly dispersed it in the waste bin outside. While rushing out, a bit quantity of the rotten egg dropped on the floor. Lo and behold! As she hastily returned to ensure orderliness, there was a sudden change in the atmosphere. Drops from the rotten egg diluted the air and breathing became hazardous.
Now, what do you think this woman should do? Ventilating her kitchen while the over boiled oil that fire may gulf soon keeps heating? Or simply put off the fire thereby endangering her health with uncontrollable fume and unpleasant odor?
Contrary to expectations that Buhari led All Progressive Congress (APC) will deliver the country to her promised land in 2015, the party and its leadership failed woefully on the brims of their mandate. Hence, a rejuvenation of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
Let me not bore you with chronological account of APC’s failure or PDP’s rejuvenation. But describing Kogi easterners who have taken the bull by the horn to redeem Igala/Bassa land from Aidoko’s tyrannic and nepotistic legislation as MOLES is a propagation of mental/psychological trauma. As a matter of fact, it is a figment of imagination convoluted for distraction.
If PDP as a party filled with political game changers could not discern how ill-lucked automatic ticket resolution portrays, Aidoko who is obviously not part of the God-damned MoU should have gotten it straight that as the world is inundated with ideas, so will naivety submerge – Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me – the old century’s political galvanization that described the system as money making ventures have been out-lived.
I have said this earlier that the recent internal politics been played over the PDP senatorial primaries has simply hanged the party for suicide. Besides, an average Kogi easterner is a direct victim of Aidoko’s legislative incompetency. Approach them and you would be convinced beyond reasonable doubts.
Like the odor from the rotten egg, Aidoko compromised the trust embedded in him. Therefore, a mere tour round the nine LG would give you a picture of a miserable looking, geo-political zone. Yet, a senator of the federal republic flaunts himself as one of the longest serving legislator – an illumination absence of morality.
Aidoko is a democratic murderer. He has assassinated Democracy and its principles for inconsequential ambition. Oh yes! In a democratic society, leaders are elected based on public ideology. That is to say, electorates reserves the right to choose who should govern them. Contrarily, Aidoko is bent on imposing himself on the people amidst obvious retrogression and legislative incompetencies thereby thwarting our hard earned democracy and its norms.
Without mincing words, there are no room for me-myself and I politics in the current dispensation. Kogi easterners have taken their destiny into their hands and are united in common front for this mission. So, let APC and PDP form coalition. The masses must have their say. The grassroots which Aidoko failed to take into cognisance are the harvesters of this political season. The battle is of no retreat no surrender and all the political game changers should prepare for a surprise.
For Aidoko and his controversial continuity jingles lies in wait, a psychological trauma that may take another century to recover.
For those canvassing support for him. I can understand that the peck of financial inducement is still standing firm in the eyes. I just hope HAD I KNOW never become the song for this act of democratic slavery. I am watching.
– John Paul
Operation Win Back Kogi State
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