Opinion: The Adoji Senatorial Bid is Entirely an Igala Affair

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The Igala political life and history is on the brinks of a total eclipse, the need to re write, reshape and repositioned that ebbing stand is now!! There is every absolute need for an appraisal on the political journey so far made, where necessary to make amendment and adjustment as well,  for a positive progress.And we must do that devoid of all shades of sentiments.
Obviously, our political journey have been such without a  firm direction, interest of individual gladiators and hanger on’s tends to divert and misinformed the opportuned or priviledged players at a particular period of reign,the very time to concentrate on steps that ll guarantee, mentorship and successive transmission of certain values synominous to the igala objectives.
From being the  ninth largest  ethnic group with the most robust Native Authority(NA) financial base, to the least developed race amongst her peers drawing from history. All we needed and was what others used to better the lots of their people was a very “Strong Bargaining Voice”, their utmost concern at first instance is and was  about their people or  constituencies, the transformed Native Authorities then were all considered in the distribution of federal projects, here I give kudos to Sen Dr Ahmadu Alih, for  facilitating the only two federal presence in igala land, Federal Polytechnic Idah and Federal Govt College Ugwolawo, Sen Andrew Abogede, opted to sleep on his own  right and duties as a Senator I guessed.
All that is history now,and we seem to have  become very conscious of our predicaments with all hope, understanding and vigour to make the difference,” Its Possible”… only what we require is a very strong character who have capacity and the requisite connections to lead us from the woods, there is no alternative to this movement, we all must collectively search for firewoods in other that our fire burns enough to cook for us all as a race.
By the aforementioned  criteria, the very suitable person, young, energetic, intelligent for these onerous task is Dr Victor Alewo Adoji.
That young man is the  person for the moment given the prevailing political situation we are faced with, so I want to call and plead with my kinsmen of kogi east extraction to please join efforts and let’s liberate our land together by supporting this “Collective” Project. As a human being like you and I, he has his weaknesses, but we have to look at the positive sides of him that is capable of guaranteeing us the elusive qualitative representation at the Red Chamber. He is very passionate about humanity and as well have shown greater concern on issues concerning the igala race,he also by the social contract we shall sign with him, can be call to order and accountability in the event he derailed, The Igala Course at the Red Chambers is all we are mandating him, nothing more. At least by the wider consultations and visits as well looking into history, he  is abreast of our legislative challenges and should be able to present our case for possible solutions at Senate chambers.
So my brothers and sisters, we have to rise above any spirit of petty sentiment and push this movement for the benefit of Kogi East Senatorial district.
Igala must nyogba.
– Mall. Ahmed Suleiman (MAS)
Convener Masses Assembly.

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