9 Days After, Sacked LG Chairmen’s Continued Stay in Office an Affront to Judiciary

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Kogi State High Court sitting in Koton Karfe affirmed today, affirmed the sacking of the local government boss’ in Kogi State.

The court said the staying in offices by the chairmen till today after the court sacked them on Monday last week was an affront on judiciary and asked them as a matter of law to handover to their respective DLGs.

Nine days after a court order invalidated the election of local government chairmen in Kogi State, the council chairmen have refused to vacate office.

A Kogi State High Court, sitting in Koton-Karfe, last Monday nullified the May 4, 2013 local government election because of alleged improper composition of the Kogi State Independent Electoral Commission (KOSIEC).

The Court put to rest the rumour on whether the 21 council chairmen of the state ought to have vacated office or not.

The Court directed the 2nd defendant,the Attorney General of Kogi state and the chief law officer of the state to ensure compliance with the orders of the court handed down in its judgement of Monday, 8th day of December, 2014 within 24hrs from now.

According to his filling, the judge directed that the certified copy of his filling shall be served to the Attorney General and Commissioner forĀ  Justice, the state Commissioner of Police, Kogi State command, Director, Department of State Security Services, Commissioner of Local Government, and State Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs.

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