2024 IWD: POHAN Advocates for Increased Women Participation in Governance

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On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024, the Public Office Holders Association of Nigeria (POHAN) underscores the importance of inclusiveness and the active involvement of women across all segments of governance in Nigeria.

In a press release delivered today in Abuja, the National President of POHAN, Dr. Eseyin, emphasized the critical need for the participation of more women in governance to ensure that Nigeria truly embodies inclusivity and gender equality. He highlighted the significance of empowering young women in society to step forward and contribute meaningfully to the nation’s development.

Dr. Eseyin stated, “Government at all levels must prioritize the inclusion of women in governance for Nigeria to be recognized as a beacon of inclusivity and gender parity. We encourage young women in our society to assert themselves and make their voices heard in the corridors of power.

“POHAN remains committed to advocating for policies and initiatives that promote gender equality and empower women to take on leadership roles in Nigeria’s political landscape. As the nation celebrates International Women’s Day, POHAN reaffirms its dedication to fostering an environment where women thrive and contribute to the advancement of the nation.”

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