2023 Polls: Kogi West Deserve Fresh Ideas, Youthful and Useful MD Eseyin

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It is indeed a delight to stand young for the fresh idea to come in. In my understanding a fresh idea is needed to relive and teach the leadership towering governance ideals of the great Kogi West on a global map by demonstrating what can be conceived and attained as the zenith of the Kogi West possibility in future where generational opportunities are not imperiled.

As it is, Kogi West Senatorial district totally deserves and agree with the focus on the youthful ideas to deal with challenges that is currently overwhelming the citizens, the challenges that are rapidly destabilizing and subverting the district, economic, foundational politics of the youths, geopolitical and moral core all these malady describes the incompetence and indolence of a sizable proportion of the governing elite.

The youthful age is here to put an end to confluence of expanding ungoverned spaces, multiplying levels of criminalities, new and old dysfunctional and disarticulated economic sub structures, mass poverty and youth unemployment.

MD Eseyin is youthful that is useful, which we all needed now. His notion of his leadership style simply understands the level of good representative.

It is time Kogi West delve into good representative, and MD Eseyin has the key to unlock the understanding of Kogi West development.

MD Eseyin as a youth that deserve the best for his people has proven his ideas of Useful Representation which are:

Voice of the voiceless
Political stability and absence of violence
Effective Representation
Rule of law

MD Eseyin is best unleashed that accountability to evaluating the on going ineffectiveness of public officials in the Senatorial district.

– Muyiwa Stephen Babatunde
Pioneer National President,
The Federation of Yagba West Students Union.

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