2019; Time for A Christian Governor in Kogi State

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Personally, I must commend the last three and the current administrations in the state since 1999 but it is very pertinent that the successor of Alh. Yahaha Bello who should take over the mantle of leadership in the state should be a Christian in the interest of justice and equity.

The Church and Governance of Christians have supported the three Muslims and the current administrations in the state since 1999. The visit of Pastor Kumuyi to Lugard House sometime last year was a glaring scenario, and he says the emergence of Yahaya Bello as the Kogi State Governor was orchestrated by God for a purpose that he urged governor Yahaya Bello and his cabinet to be transparent and conduct the affairs of the state with the fear of God, and it is only fair that we give room for our Christian counterparts to be elected in 2019.

With the  sudden death of Prince Abubakar Audu, Christians’ hope of producing a Governor came to life but unfortunately the hope was dashed when APC and the presidency decided to choose the first runner up during the primary election which is Alh Yahaha bello. If James Abiodun Faleke was allowed to continue from where Prince Abukarar Audu stopped, that would have created an avenue for a Christian Governor to have emerged in Kogi State, anyway all hope is not lost.

I note with pride that many of our people of the Christian faith, who of course, form the majority of the population of Kogi State without any doubt, Christian have supported these four great leaders (Prince Abubakar Audu, Alh. Ibrahim Idris, Capt. Idris Wada and Yahaha Bello) with their votes, during the past state elections since 1999. It is only fair and just, that in line with God’s will, that Christians, Muslims and all others of different faiths to elect a bonafide Christian of integrity who will take over the mantle of leadership from Gov. Yahaha Bello in 2019.

I therefore called on all Christians in Kogi to be prepared for the great challenge ahead, that is very paramount they must all go out and do voters registration exercise and be prepared to vote in all the elections ahead.

– Peter Ugbedeojo Nelson

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