Yahaya Bello’s Priorities Are Clear; A Wasteful Governor – KLM

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Unfortunately, Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state, you kept me very valid on my opinions about you. You have nothing to offer. As a governor of a state running to six years, you have no single major project to show the world. A single one.

You have ran from pillar to post seeking relevance in national politics when you have a forced mandate which you got with your guns pointed on our throats in the last election. You are hung in all sorts of ways. Clearly you have not disappointed people like me but for for those who ride the horse of emotion, you have.

You have shown complete disregard for your office as a toddler who says pease for please, a man who remained a boy and a governor with no peers. My resolved is simple, I have sat to look at all the governors in Nigeria and I have checked your activities as a Governor. There is a complete disconnect between you and the office you occupy. Its a pity.

In the name of seeking relevance and paying musicians to sing your flattery praises because you are so insecure and you want to fake your bankrupted image which is so clear even to the blind.

You have toed the path of fallacy instead of the choice to be a hero. Tomorrow is waiting.

You have turned Lugard House a pilgrim home for every hungry viper to unleash their deadly venom and that has continued. From film makers to musicians, floozies to parrots and now gamblers; you have turned the state to what you are. Complete waste and the biggest joke of our generation.

In your last tenure, it was the fault of your egotistic deputy governor who turned himself to demigod but now the picture is clearer and your true colours are out for all to see. 

Last two years I challenged you to show evidence of the scam you went to exhibit at Idah when you wasted our time and that of the Vice president to what looks like a ground breaking ceremony of Idah-Agenebode bridge. Thank God the VP is a professor; he excused himself from such heinousness and allowed you and your likes to dance in the market square. The result result of that is out. It was a bridge built in a dream and we have woke up finding our selves lying in bed.

You mobilised football players to a stadium you have not put a penny, not because you want to elevate sports in your state but that the world could see you as a captain of a team. You have our budget on your table and you have the knife in your hand. Go ahead a governor without vision.

Recently, you started Iga-Anaja (Ganaja) bridge on in the media. If your acclaimed commitment is true, how on earth will you ever involve yourself in wasteful adventures. As our people will say “A man who carries the body of an elephant can never dig the hole of a cricket” except if he is not looking for meat.

You have no achievements as governor yet except sycophants and their sycophancies. I owe you the truth and I have told you. God is my witness.

– Salihu Adam Jiddah
Founder, Kogi Liberation Movement (KLM)

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