Will The Referee Keep Mute?

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Without a referee in a football match, anyone can claim a kangaroo victory. The game of football as it is with many other sport recognizes the need to have a referee at all times. Referees help to settle doubts through available facts and witnesses. However, in the real situations of things, conflicts could on a very rare case arise suddenly without an initial drum of warning. Unfortunately, the referee may be unavailable to calm nerves. In Nigeria, there has been a number of such cases without referee or with a mute referee. The aftermath of such cases usually leaves the players in total bitterness.

Security operatives are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the people internally and against external enemies. This is no easy task. The government pours huge resources into the security sector. Even so, the supply of security forces is yet to match demands. In the event of a total breakdown of law and order in the entire country, it is safe to assume that the number of security forces available in the country cannot restore total peace without some form of external solicitation. Therefore, the high regards accrued to the Nigeria security sector is on a very premium.

As earlier relayed, security forces are meant for the wellbeing of the entire people. However, ensuing event in various parts of the country and at several times continues to create doubt in the minds of many. What do I mean? Last year, during the end SARS protest, the Nigeria military were accused of pointing the guns at the very citizens they swore to protect. Even though the military, in her dribblingprowess have refused to own up. Like a spider whose web catches all, they have been tagged ‘complicit’ in the massacre that took place at the Lekki toll gate. In a rather subtle tone and according to the court of public-moralist-court, they ask; who will jail the accused (security operatives) even if they are eventually found guilty?

Going back memory lane, in a report by the guardian news penned on the 3rd of October 2018, Late Maj. Gen Alkali RTD vehicle was found in a pond atLafendeg Du Plateau State.  Sequel to the discovery of his vehiecle, the Nigeria army announced that the Major was killed by some angry youths in Dura-Du District. Due the weight of the offence committed, the people of Dura-Du fled away from their homes. Whatever the case, the people were sorry and pleaded for mercy. Whether they got it or not is better imagined. Though the incident was a very sad one, the military maintained some level of sanity in her dealing with the community. Again, I ask who will jail the accused. If the prosecuting judge were to be a Dura-Du man, would he send his own kinsman men to the abyss of death?

Just Yesterday, Nigerians were awash videos and pictures of vengeful violence that erupted in Orlu, Imo Sate- involving members of the Nigeria military and the recently constituted Eastern Security Network. The reason for the violence remains very unclear. However, there were widespread reports of deaths on the sides of the military and as well as on the sides of the civilians. This act, is indeed a deviation from peaceful living. Again I ask, will the referee keep mute even though there are constitutional provisions relating to acts of violence?

– Olayinka Kayode Kingsley
Email contact: olayinkakayodekingsley@gmail.com

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