‘What’s Good for Goose is Good for Gander’, Prince Kaura Tells Kogi Gov

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The President, Bassa Youth Association (BYA), Kogi Local Government Area, Prince Kaura Ezekiel, has reacted to Governor Bello’s ten million naira donation to support the burial rites of the slain victims of the unfortunate Isanlu robbery attacked which claimed about ten lives.

Prince Ezekiel commended the state government for standing with the victims of Isanlu bank robbery, a town in Yagba East Local Government Area of the state.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Prince Ezekiel reminded the state government of Tawari massacre which occurred early this year where about 26 lives were lost and properties worth millions of naira were destroyed.

“May I used this medium to remind the state government of Tawari massacre which occurred early this year where 26 lives were lost and properties worth millions of naira were destroyed. In fact, the entire town was set ablaze. The people of Tawari deserve fair treatment from the state government. They are passing through hell. What is good for the goose is good for the gander,” he said. 

It will be recalled that the state Governor ordered for the detail report of the killing and the level of damages caused by the unknown gunmen attacked. A committee was set up and the report was submitted to the governor and nothing has been done for the community.

Prince Ezekiel thanked NEMA, NGOs and some spirited individuals for coming to the aid of the ancient Town of Tawari.

The Youth President said it is unfortunate and embarrassing for a state Governor to close his eyes on a community that lost 26 souls including the Chief Imam and the Tawari ward APC chairman who double as the secretary of the Paramount ruler of Tawari.

Over one hundred houses burnt beyond repair, churches, schools, clinic and police station all burnt down.

“I therefore call on Governor Bello to come to the aid of the people of Tawari community, they are also Kogites and they deserve better treatment like our good brothers in Isanlu. Egalitarianism should be extended to all people irrespective of their class or status in the society”

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