20th of December that you promised to clear all backlog of salaries owed to Kogi state workers has come and gone. Why are all workers not paid yet? Am sure kogi state receives monthly allocation. Why hasn’t payment regularise after so many months of hunger and putting poor civil servants on Lokoja road in the name of screening?
Salary is not a gift from you to workers,it’s their right to receive wages after Labour so why are you not paying them? Why do you keep giving them false hope? Why have you failed to understand the plight of the people you represent? Does the disappointment workers feel each time you fail to fulfill your promises to them give you joy? Why has your government reduced workers to beggars? Kogi state has become a den of iniquity. These helpless workers are entitled to dividends of their hard Labour,why are you not giving them?
Governor Bello, I am sure you have never missed your salary and allowances since you assumed office, neither has any member of your cabinet, so why are you depriving workers the little penny they deserve which cannot be compared to the whopping sum you earn?
Kogi state is a civil service state and if civil servants can’t receive what’s due to them what do you expect them and their families to survive on? Why make them anticipate what you know is not achievable? Why this miserable percentage payment to few and nothing to the majority?
I so much want to praise you as a statesman but you have not given me a good reason to. Stop raising the hopes of your people cos it’s too much to bear considering the state of hardship they are facing presently.
We the people of Kogi state are full of questions as to why you are treating workers this way and demand answers. I can’t let sentiment becloud my sense of human reasoning in the face of injustice.
The great people of the confluence state which you represent are not happy with your government.
– Salami Isoyiza Hawa.