Tribunal Victory: Igala Students’ Association Congratulates Wada

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I write on behalf of the Igala Students Association, University of Ilorin chapter to congratulate His Excellency, Capt. Wada the executive governor of kogi state on your recent well deserved victory at the tribunal.

We believed this judgment no doubt is a testimony of God’s favour over you and your commitment to serve and also a pointer to what the future holds in stock for you in the state.

Comrade Peter Okeme, President Igala Students Association with the Vice President of the association

Given your track record of achievements, we have no doubts in our mind that Kogi State in general is set to witness an era of positive and purposeful redirection in this dispensation.

We are aware of your outstanding performance in this few days in office as the executive governor in;

  • Condemning thuggry which has become the order of the day, causing political unrest in the state,
  • The recent health outreach which was benefited by over 20,000 Kogites
  • Provision of transformers to boost the electric power in the state
  • Initiation of road projects across the three senatorial districts of the state
  • More importantly too, His Excellency with a caring heart had shown concern to the entire kogi state students all over the country by promising to increase the bursary from three (4000.00) to ten (10,000.00)
  • It is also worthy of note that His Excellency had accepted to reinstate the 346 civil servants affected by the 2009 screening exercise.

All these are bits of your numerous achievement in this few days in office and we know that you would have done more than expected if not for the just concluded court cases distracting you from settling down to carry out your good work.

It is our prayer that God who has so exalted you now grant you the grace and wisdom to excel in the task ahead.

Once again, CONGRATULATIONS and please accept the assurance of our full support and esteemed regards at all time.

Thank you.

Comr. Okeme A. Peter


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