The Oratory of The Poor Mind and Why Obasanjo Cannot be The 14th Apostle

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The most powerful tools of the oppressors are his uneducated subjects and educated but insanely religious ones who are blind.

With the epistle of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo already out there generating heated debate, it’s by virtue of common sense not to be hoodwinked by those who are denigrating themselves by finding sense in Obasanjo’s worries for his past sins which are catching up with him.

In all of this, I have read wherein an educated but blindly religious man drew similarity between Obasanjo and the 13th Apostle, Paul.

Apostle Paul is a Biblical character who took joy in hunting down, murdering and butchering the followers of Christ. On his continued hunt for followers of Christ, we were told he was struck by the light from heavenly God and he submitted to the supremacy of God. He became the teacher of Christ’s message to his erstwhile victims of his barbarity.

The man who drew this parallel went on to say Obasanjo might have been a bad man in the past but he is now saying the truth just like Paul. Nonsense!

Even under the time of Obasanjo, there had been Odi killings. Under him was when we had Zaki Biam massacre; under him there were lots OPC clashes; under him there Sharia riot, OPC ethnic clashes, lots of lives lost and many more related atrocities which happened under his regime is too soon to be forgotten and cannot be washed away just because he is writing letter to keep alive his political dynasty. So nobody can just come and sit in judgment over another government, forming apostle 14th when worst things happen under his government.

Obasanjo cannot be wrapped up into becoming the 14th apostle by any measure of oratory for the light that would strike would come from Sango.

– Sadeek Adeiza Adanivadoko

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