The Day Akutupa-Kiri Lost Its Balance For Two Prominent Kogites

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By Tolu Omotugba.
Akutupa-Kiri is a remote village in Kabba Bunu LG, Kogi State. The road leading to the village from Aiyegunle Gbede outskirt nearly dismantled the bolts of my body. I even pitied the convoy of cars we rode in as they slapped their tummies on stony slabs after giant boulders. We meandered through the frustrating hilly terrains and snaked our way slowly trying to dodge gaping potholes and gullies.
When the road seemed endless, we saw the first sign that we were entering the village. Apparently, that sign was an ancient mud house. We had come all the way from Lokoja for a  reception organized by the Akutupa Kiri chapter of APC in honor of their sons, the Honorable Commissioner for Kogi State Budget and Planning, Mr Oloruntoba Kehinde and the SA Electronic Media to Kogi State Governor, Mr Olorunpomi Gbenga.
After a brief royal treat at the King’s palace, we navigated our way down to the venue of the program where the enviable social contacts and political affiliations of both men was fully displayed and amply felt by everyone present at the occasion.
While the program continued ceaselessly, a twenty-man medical team that travelled in our company was busy attending to the villagers in need of medical care. The Free Health Care Services was the height of the event as Akutupa Kiri dwellers who have long suffered medical neglect due to the complete absence of health care facilities had the privilege to access free medical delivery with free drugs.
One of the high chiefs, while giving his remark said “my people have lived as outcasts for decades without government concern. But today, our hope is rekindled with our sons. The Governor has given soul to an entire village by appointing our sons to work in his cabinet”.
Riddled with joy and hearty cheers that electrified the venue and lasted through the program, various group representatives took turn to shower encomiums on the duo. Indeed, the villagers couldn’t have envisaged such an ‘August visit’ this soon.
After the usual photo shoots and exchange of pleasantries, we were on the road back to Lokoja. It’s needless to repeat the experience on our way coming.
Although the Honorable Commissioner promised the readiness of Gov. Yahaya Bello to take government to the doorstep of his kinsmen by way of infrastructural development and provision of basic amenities, it is expedient to note that there are several other rural areas like Akutupa-Kiri begging for government intervention. Albeit, our journey was a mix of adventure and a rescue mission.

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