Stella Immanuel: 7 Quick Facts About the US-based Black Doctor Who Clears Air on COVID-19 Cure

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By Arogbonlo Israel.

Dr Stella Immanuel, the Houston (Texas) based medical practitioner who is advocating the use of hydroxychloroquine as a cure for coronavirus on Tuesday, went viral after championing the use of the drug in front of the US Supreme Court on July 27 as part of the America’s Frontline Doctors Summit.

Here’s what you need to know about Dr. Stella Immanuel:

1. Stella Immanuel was born in Bali, Cameroon. She is 55 years old. 

2. She studied Medicine at the University of Calabar in Southeastern Nigeria between 1984 and 1990. 

3. In November 1998, Immanuel began working as a pediatrician in Alexandria, Louisiana, and she’s been a physician at the Rehoboth Medical Center since October 2019. 

4. As a deliverance minister, she founded Fire Power Ministries in 2002. The Fire Power Ministry website indicates that Immanuel is a “true daughter of Dr D.K. Olukoya of Mountain of Fire and Miracles ministries.” She has established a Christian resource center which supplies books, videos, CDs & other teaching materials to residents in her birthplace of Bali, Cameroon. Immanuel is also credited with “crusades,” health fairs, raising money for orphanages, providing funding for small businesses and being the host of a radio and television show, Fire Power.

5. In her Family and Relationships section, Immanuel says that she is single and lists three daughters as her children. One of her children, Mima Fondong, is a graduate of Baylor University and the University of Westminster in London.

6. In April 2020, Immanuel wrote a piece in Physician Outlook in which she promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine and questioned why its use had been discouraged. She wrote, “For political reasons, licensed physicians will take to the media to scare the public from taking something that could potentially help them.”

7. She has previously taken controversial public positions regarding her faith and stance against homosexuality. She has listed a “Deliverance Prayer against Homosexuality and Sexual Perversion” on her website. She also posted through her Fire Power Ministries Facebook page in December 2016 about her belief that “practicing and celebrating [homosexuality] will take you to hell.”

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