Speech: To Struggle for Love, Peace and Progress by Alh Sule Atawodi, Igalamela Chairmanship Aspirant

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Being a Speech Delivered by CSP (Rtd) Alhaji Sule K. Atawodi a.k.a SIMPLE

His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello.

One million tongues can never express gratitude from the bottom of my heart over your victory from the Supreme Court. No words can fully express the depth of my gratitude. May Almighty Allah bless you and always meet you at your point of need.

The Executives, elders, women and youths of Igalamela-Odolu  LGA,  I bring you fraternal greetings as one of your children; and aspirant for the post of Chairman of this noble LGA. I most  humbly appreciate you this rare opportunity to present myself to you  all.  I pray that the good Lord will strengthen our party as we finalize plans to nominate the flag bearers for the general election. Above all, that God will give us the grace to triumph over and above our political opponents peacefully and transparently. Ameen Thumma Ameen.

It’s a norm to work assiduously for whatever we hope to achieve. I have never been an opportunist, and I will never be one Insha Allah. I am a foundation member of APP, ANPP, later CPC, AC, ACN and APC. Even an onlooker can attest to my loyalty and great sense of dedication to this party. Our party pride itself as ‘Change all over Nigeria ’ ; we must therefore enthrone new ways of rewarding hard work and excellence, so that our members will continue to commit astute loyalty to the spirit and goals of our party, and boost the solidarity of the masses or electorates for  our party’s interest. Our party must play the part of role – model in character, policies and a thorough process of nominating credible candidates for elections.

My records are there. I beg you all, to consider the future interests of our youths, women and children as you decide on whom to award your votes on this coming Chairmanship Election. Let it be in my favour.

Thanks and God bless you all.

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