Sorry Dr. Victor Adoji, I Have To Do This

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Your philosophy of “when you give to the right-hand, the left-hand should not be aware” as preached by the Qur’an and the Bible is a very good one and I love you for that.
But in the kind of politics we play here on this side of the earth, people expect you to go to the news house and announce it when ever you render a service that is out of your personal love and contributions to humanity.
I have been with you severally, I have listened to you speak and address issues raised and giving answers to questions that are not even politically necessary if we really want growth and development for the land. But you always address this issues without changing your philosophy. I love that
In many of your speeches, you said ” If politics will change me to a microphone announcing to the world when ever I render a help to anyone, I will rather quit and not contest election”
I have read many times on this media where agent of propagandas and the promoter of evil on our land has asked ‘WHO YOU HELP’. But you’ve never been bordered one day to respond. All you’ve said is that God knows whom you’ve helped and those you’ve helped knows it for themselves and not for anyone else
However,  I did my findings even before I decided to pitch my tent with you and found out what you have is not just the capacity to introduce a responsible and responsive leadership to kogi East but you have also done more than enough for Kogi East and Kogi State, empowering people and   contributing privately to humanity for years.
One area I will love to talk about is how you take the burden of  your Immediate Community on your shoulders without waiting for the government
Okwula Aloma in ofu local government where you come from we’ve gotten attestation from there that:
1. While other Kogi State workers has been battling for something resemblance of their salaries especially the primary school teachers, while others are yet to know their faith, you took the responsibility of paying as allowances,  equivalent of the salaries of the primary school teachers in your community to them every month, just to motivate them to give their best to the students.
2. You built the only standard mosque in that community
3. The two standard church in the community, you built one from the scratch and renovated the other
4. Added blocks of buildings to the primary school buildings in that community
5. You give scholarships to youths who wants to further their education and pay the WAEC fee of those in their senior year in the secondary schools.
The good thing is, you don’t shout about this thing, you just do them and keep them between you and the direct beneficiaries of this large heart.
I am yet to see your match in this community service amongst those contesting on the platform of PDP and even that of APC and the other political parties. If there is any, they can come forward so we compare notes
You have the money to build schools in your community and peg the fee to an amount nobody in your community will be able to attend and make your own profits, but you choose to take charge of the existing one until the government is ready to take care of their responsibilities.
This is innovative, it is creativity, it is smartness to think collectivity in the affairs of your community and take action than wait for the government.
HELPS should not be only when you give white collar jobs, it can come in different  forms and should start from laying a strong foundation in our own communities. If everyone else who is as privileged as you will take the burden of their communities on their shoulders as you have done, maybe things would have been different from what we are having today.
I know you do not wish that what you do for your people be brought to the public, but I can’t help it this time. The urge to pour out my mind was just too much so I had to oblige.
I wish you well in your quest to bring to the table, an Innovative parliamentary representation for the  effective growth and development of Kogi East.
– Comrade Maji Isah writes from Dekina LGA of Kogi State

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