Shiru’s Success: I See The Hand of God

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The easiest way to ascertain a man with an outstanding destiny is to carefully study the way he manoeuvres through life’s hurdles to the peak of his vision.
The story of the Lokoja local government chief administrator is another testimony of a destiny planned, made and executed in heaven. It is heartwarming to recall that this journey started on a note of doubt before it snowballed into a success story. Interestingly, through the moments of despair and doubt, Shiru Lawal saw the vision of his destiny through the eyes of faith that many could not decode, which was why thousands did not see the other end of the tunnel, that there was an awaiting throne to be occupied by him.
In the face of all fierce attacks on his image, Shiru Lawal found consolation in his acceptance to the things to which fate binds him with, and love of the people with whom fate binds him together, and he did so with all his heart.
The major reason people are clamouring for Hon Shiru Lawal’s aspiration is his love for his people and the wish to change the circumstance of the teeming masses. Within him, there is an undying zeal to transform the local government to a enviable driven infrastructural development. In, not a thirst for power but a zeal to make a difference with his wealth of knowledge in financial management.
Ronald Harmon says as we move through life, the force of fate creates events that we only appreciate when we reflect on our existence. Shiru Lawal’s main aim is not to come into politics and become just a leader, but as but the fate of life presents to him the opportunity by galvanising his heart to see the reason why he should accept the call to service . Just like Dale Carnegie says that when fate hands us a lemon, let’s try to make lemonade, Shiru hearkened to this call to serve his fatherland and he is ready to capitalize on the abundant resource endowment of the local government to create wealth and development out of mud.
Shiru Lawal’s trust is on the saying that; “I have found power in the mysteries of thought, exaltation in the changing of the Muses … I have been versed in the reasonings of men but Fate is stronger than anything he have known”.
Lest we get the wrong idea, we are not the sovereign masters of our fate. Only God is sovereign. His sovereign control is called “providence.” He has chosen to give us a free will, and He has created a moral universe in which the law of cause-and-effect is a reality. But God is God alone, and there are no “accidents” in the universe.
An all-wise, all-powerful God must have a plan, so it should be no surprise that the Quran and Bible speaks of a divine plan. God’s plan, since it belongs to God, is holy, wise, and benevolent.
As it stands today, Shiru is the most outstanding and most popular administrator. When God wants to afflict a nation, He sends them inferior leaders; but when He wants to bless them, He sends them men like Shiru Lawal because he wants to transform Lokoja local government area and make the people great. Shiru knows the basics of creating wealth and bringing developement and there is no wealth creation without job opportunities.
God has taken lokoja local government to the level we are now by Hon Shiru Lawal and he will not hand the local government to a man whose thought to come to power is to amass more wealth and victimise others. What is Shiru’s secret? “The hand of God is upon him.” That phrase and others similar to it mean that God’s favour is upon his life. God’s presence is with him and He is using him to accomplish His will to bless the people of Lokoja local government. The power behind every successful leadership is the amount of knowledge stored in the capacity of the leader; this is the fountain through which prudent projection flows from.
A leader without knowledge is a fruitless tree, it occupies the land and wastes it without yielding profit to the planter. During the earthly ministry of  prophet Isa (Jesus), he saw a beautiful olive tree and went to harvest the fruit for his meal and met nothing, out of annoyance and frustration, he cursed the tree and it withered away. So the professionals politicians are like such trees who will come with bogus fictitious election manifesto to deceive the populace and lack the technicality on how to implement them, hence continue to lead the local government of opprobrium and throw the people’s future for better life to abyss. It is said that “the devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know”
Shiru Lawal is the man that will potently make Lokoja local government a land of gigantic strides. As financial manager, accountant and politician, he will be able to fit into the big shoes that will help Governor Yahaya Bello actualize his dream of New Direction. So instead of running the local government to a status of mockery, he will together double the successes of this administration.
– Mubaraq Yasmin

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