Set Up Well Manned Security Post in Bagana to Stop Killings in Omala – NYCN Chairman Pleads

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Following the recent Otutubatu-Bagana attack in Omala local government area, the Chairman, National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Kogi State chapter, Amb. Usman Ogohi Samuel has called on the government to as a matter of urgency set up a security base or outpost in Bagana.

Ogohi called for a peaceful resolution to end the long-lasting clash.

It will be recalled that this Otutubatu-Bagana crisis in Omala local government area has been going on for far too long, the crisis continues to disturb the peace, development and economic activities of this community which serves as an economic hub for that region; an aged long economic town that still indulges in trade-by-barter till date and attracts people from all over the world.

The NYCN boss made the appeal in the Youth House, Lokoja, while condemning the recent attack which is always characterized by destruction of properties, grounding of all business activities and loss of lives.

According to him, any community that engages in crisis can not attract any meaningful development, as he stressed that through dialogue and forgiveness, all aggrieved parties can live in peace without fear of being attacked.

It is worthy of note that during the just concluded management meeting of the National Youth Council which held in Anyigba, Dekina Local Government Area of the state, the council made a plea to the state government and all relevant stakeholders to please as a matter of urgency provide a security post within the Bagana axis to checkmate this menace.

The Chairman strongly believes that this will bring to the barest minimum loss of lives and properties and also avert future incidents.

He commended the efforts of the state government, under the leadership of Governor Yahaya Bello, Local Government Chairman, Hon. Yakubu Aboh and other stakeholders from Omala LGA who had in their separate and collective efforts tried their possible best in ensuring lasting peace in the area.

He also commend Kogi East Traditional Council under the leadership of his Royal Majesty the Attah of Igala and all local government Chairmen that share borders with Omala LGA who continue to support and mobilize against this ugly incursion.

He urged youths in the LGA to remain calm, law-abiding and peaceful, while commending the NYCN Co-ordinator of Omala local government, Hon. Ocheje Moses for calling on the attention of the Council to the series of attacks and advocating for peace among youths in the area.

The NYCN boss further stressed that no soul and property is worth sacrificing or losing, adding that with peace, love, harmony and unity, Omala LG can reunite and recover all lost glories and co-exist in peace for the sake of their children and unborn.

He also called on the security agents to leave no stone unturned in arresting the perpetrators of this dastardly act, as he reaffirms zero tolerance of any form of criminality under the administration of Governor Yahaya Bello.

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