Senator Yakubu Oseni: One Good Turn Deserves Another

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It is no longer gainsay that Senator Yakubu Oseni has performed wonderfully well in the area of infrastructural development, human development, educational outreach and job creation. These are the key areas of effective leadership and Senator Yakubu Oseni has done excellently in all the areas.

This is not surprising to many of us who have known the man “Alhaji Yakubu Oseni” before he became a senator. His records as the then Chairman, Kogi State Internal Revenue has never been broken till today. Under his watch, Kogi State was able to generate over a billion Naira monthly. This was surprising as the revenue generated before his appointment had never exceeded 300 million Naira.

This leadership acumen, economic efficiency, and absolute loyalty to his boss prompted the State Governor, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello to consider his aspiration and was given the go ahead to resign his position and contest for the Senate.

Even though Governor Yahaya Bello doesn’t like taking side in election processes, Senator Oseni’s past antecedents paved way for him as he later emerged the APC senatorial candidate and eventually the Distinguished Senator representing Kogi Central senatorial district.

Three years down the lane, the name “SYO” has gradually become a household name in the entire Ebiraland. His leadership imprint is allover the place. Everyone has benefitted directly or indirectly. From building and equipping ICT centers to building of classroom blocks in schools; from road construction/rehabilitation to water supply; from construction of Civic centers to mantling of street lights; from job provisions to job creation; from youth empowerment through skills acquisition programs to giving women business start up capitals. This is to mention but a few.

If you have not been empowered through skills acquisition programs organized by the Senator, your ward or child must have benefitted from the well equipped ICT centres and block of classrooms built across schools. If your ward/child is not in any of the benefited schools, you must have drank from the numerous boreholes and water taps dug across board, what about the roads constructed and rehabilitated? Or the Civic centers built in all the local governments?. If you have not benefitted from any yet, don’t worry, there is an ongoing JAMB examination centre under construction. The JAMB examination centre when completed will create more than 2000 direct and indirect jobs, boost the economy of Kogi Central, create easy access to JAMB examinations and boost the literacy level of the people in the area.

Senator Yakubu Oseni I know doesn’t relent in meeting the yearnings of his people. There are more to come, there are more to execute, there are more to benefit.

There is a popular saying that “One good turn deserves another”. It is on this note, I urge you and your household to give him one more chance to continue getting government dividends across to everybody because the reward for hardwork is more work.

With Senator Yakubu Oseni, government benefit is assured. Think wisely and act wisely

– James Mohammed writes from Ajaokuta.

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