Senator Oseni Trains School Teachers on Digital Economy in Kogi Central

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The Senator representing Kogi Central Senatorial District and Chairman, Senate Committee on Information and Communication Technology/Cyber Security has began the training of primary school teachers on digital economy across his constituency.

Senator Yakubu Oseni, who facilitated the training through the Federal Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy, has stressed in several fora that human capacity building especially in digital economy is an indispensable requisite to having stable economy across the globe.

The lawmaker who was represented in the programme by Mall. Abdullahi AbdulMalik, popularly also known as Malik Standard, revealed that the participants were selected across the five local government areas in Kogi Central through their various education secretaries.

While emphasising on the relevance of the training, Senator Oseni assured his Constituents of his avowed determination to attract more dividends of democracy to his people before the end of his tenure.

“At the end of the training, the beneficiaries would be given a token of N20,000 each, tablet phone and other instructional materials that would serve as guide or manual in the ever dynamic digital world,” he said.

The visibly elated beneficiaries who effortlessly showered encomiums on Senator Oseni, said the lawmaker is a rare breed of political leader who renders service to humanity without any string attached.

“May Almighty Allah continue to elevate you beyond your imaginations for consistently placing priority on the overall well-being of your people,” they prayed.

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