S’Court Ruling: NEWMAP Felicitates With Gov. Bello

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Project Coordinator of the Kogi State Nigeria Erosion And Watershed Management Project, NEWMAP, Barrister Ladi Ahmed Jatto has congratulated Governor Yahaya Bello over Monday’s Supreme Court ruling which declared him as the duly elected governor of Kogi State.

Barr. Jatto described the ruling as a confirmation of the divine mandate and irrefutable reflection of the people’s choice.

In a press statement released by the office, the Project Coordinator said the apex court verdict didn’t come as a surprise considering the massive and overwhelming support of the people at the poll.

She added that the ruling also reinforces the confidence of the people of Kogi State in the judiciary, describing it as good development for the growth of democracy in the country.

Jatto further stressed that the ruling is a revalidation of the people’s confidence in the character and leadership style of Governor Bello, in addition to his numerous achievements in the last four years of the administration.

She also congratulated the people on the validation of their mandate, describing it as “victory for the rule law”.

While imploring the governor to take advantage of the ruling to do more than the recorded developmental strides in his first four years, Jatto however urged the people to rally round the governor and be more supportive and understanding in the quest to find enduring solutions to the challenges bedevilling the state.

Barrister Jatto also assured the governor of the commitment of the Project to continue to partner with and support the administration in the delivery of the promises made to the people.

Recall that the Supreme court had on Monday dismissed an appeal by the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and its candidate, Musa Wada, lodged to challenge the outcome of the gubernatorial election that held in the state on November 16, 2019, thereby affirming the election of Governor Yahaya Bello.

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