Request for Expression of Interest for Focal NGO Under NEWMAP in Kogi State

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This request for expression of interest follows the update of the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business Issue of 27th April, 2012 and in Nigerian newspapers of 27th September, 2012.

As part of Government’s commitment to the transformation of the Nigerian socio-economic landscape, a multi-sector project is being executed in Nigeria to mitigate the vulnerability to erosion and support the people as they relate to their land. The Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) is an 8-year multi-sectoral and multi-scale program that targets states with acute gully erosion. The project is involving many Federal and State Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Local Governments, communities and civil Societies who are responsible for Planning, economy, finance, works, agriculture, water resources, forests, transport, power, emergency response as well as those focused on climate and hydrological information or watershed/basin regulation. In order to achieve this, the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has received a credit of US$500 million from the International Development Association (IDA) for the implementation of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project.

The Kogi State Project Management Unit of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project intends to use part of the proceeds of the credit for the recruitment of Focal Non-Government Organization (NGO) to coordinate Community Sensitization and Social Impact evaluation in the States NEWMAP (at the State and Local Government/Grassroot/Catchment levels)

The focal NGO will focus on community mobilization and social accountability on participatory watershed management (working closely with the engineering teams), livelihoods, safeguards, action learning, O & M, and beneficiary verification. The NGOs expected to encourage gender equity in community organization and responsibilities Specifically the focal NGO will provide the following services:

1). Implement Community Sensitization and Mobilization component of the project.
a. Ensure that participating communities are aware, understands and by into the philosophy of the project
b. Ensure that the local community is well informed and empowered to participate in land-use planning and conservation measures.
c. Promote active community participation in project identification, design, implementation and monitoring to ensure effective and timely implementation, etc.

2). Implement Capacity Development of Community Stakeholders
a. Train and equip the Community Associations to manage sub-grants under activity sets
1.B.3 and l.C.2, and to participate in the broader Site Committee etc
b. Identify other training needs of the community stakeholders within the context of the project development objective.
d. Develop training manual(s) for community project implementation committees, etc

3). Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E).
a. Develop community P.M.&E framework,
b. Promote coordination with State Project Management unit (SPMU)
c. Develop the log frame for the project and apply it in monitoring project implementation
and reports to ensure compliance with set objectives and data quality assurance, etc.

4). Managing Relational Issues on the Project.
a. Signs MOU with the SPMU, the community and other relevant project organs.
b. Prepares timely work plan and submit same to the SPMU as and at when due.
c. Articulates and presents timely reports to the SPMU, etc

5). Specific Scope of Work Under the Project
i. During the first month folio-wing signing of the agreement, the NGO shall prepare and Annual Activities Plan for the year which will be reviewed by SPMU, and Implementation of the approved plan. Subsequent plans shall be prepared annually by the NGO.
ii. Undertake various awareness meetings/seminars/workshops/streetplays/local study
tours to other project sites in relation to erosion, flood and sanitation, sustainable environmental practices and the public awareness activities on the causes of erosion/flood and the potential benefits of engineering interventions and catchment management actions.
iii. Act as a liaison/facilitating agency with residents/stakeholders, particularly in the sub-watershed for addressing the related issues
iv. Organize sub-watershed level meetings with stakeholder/interest groups on periodic intervals.
v. Submission of Monthly Progress Report indicating all the details of the activities earned out during the month along with the monthly claim of Honorarium by 5th day of every month, along with action plan for the succeeding month.
vi. Attending meetings organized by the SPMU to review the work done.
vii. Submission of a document by the end of the year pertaining to all social development and livelihood activities implemented in their area during the last 12 months and its impact drawn through surveys at the end of each year.
viii. Implementing action-oriented environmental education by students and teachers. One thematic area would be to help the students participate in broader monitoring work, and proper waste disposal.
ix. Carrying out other community mobilization activities as outlined in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) and as may be developed by the Federal level Umbrella NGO or that are advocated by the community themselves once they are engaged. This includes carrying out die two IE interventions focused on community mobilization.

The consulting firm (NGO) will be hired for an initial period of two years to provide the services

Kogi State Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (KGS-NEWMAP) now invite eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services.

Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

The short listing criteria are:
(i) Evidence showing the fields of specialty of the firm (NGO*s profile/brochures)
(ii) Evidence showing that the firm is a legal entity (certificate of registration),
(iii) Evidence of registration with relevant authorities and professional bodies.
(iv) Evidence showing the technical and managerial capabilities of the firm in the field of assignment.
(v) Experience of working in a similar geographical region,
(vi) Description of similar assignments,
(vii) Availability of appropriate skills among staff, and availability of essential technology software, etc.) and
(viii) Consultants must be conversant with the local languages and socio-cultural practices of the relevant communities in Kogi State.

For each previous project performed, the consultant- NGO must provide the name and contact address of the client (office & e-mail address, and telephone number), date(s) of execution, name(s)of lead and associate firms, contract amount and financing sources

The attention of interested Consultants (firm) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants (under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers [January 2011] (“Consultant Guidelines”) Please visit, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment on information on conflict of interest is per paragraph 1.9 of Consultant Guidelines.

Consultants-NGCs may associate with other firms n the form of a joint venture or a sub¬
consultancy to enhance their qualifications.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant’s Qualification CQS method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (10.00 am to 16.00 pm).

Expressions of interest must be delivered in written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) not later than 2.00 pm, 6th January, 2017.

Project Coordinator
Kogi State Project Management Unit (KOSPMU)
Kogi State- Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (KGNEWMAP)
Attention: Barr. Ladi Ahmed Jatto
Plot 247, Tunde Ogbeha Street, GRA, Lokoja
Kogi State, Nigeria
Tel: 0810 9467464

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