RE: Granting Atai Aidoko Automatic Ticket Spells Doom for PDP in Kogi East

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If the widely publicised automatic ticket purportedly given to Kogi East senator, Atai Aidoko Ali is now a criminal decision of the party as been widely speculated by some party members by running down the senator at the expense of a particular aspirant, who was believed to be the highly favoured, even though a new entrant and non party person, I wonder who impressed it on them that Victor Alewo Adoji is going to be the likely candidate of the party for Kogi East senate.

We have forgotten so soon that this is the same set of people in 2014 reverted to late Prince Abubakar residence at Ogbonicha and Alloma in quest to get his immediate senior brother, Ali Adoji, anointed as the candidate to represent Idah federal constituency at the expense of a serving member who later defected and paid up all the election expenses to the Adojis.

The idea of instituting bad publicity and public image against Senator Atai Aidoko Ali is uncalled for. If genuinely the idea of furthering the political, social and economic emancipation is the premonition of a democratic process.
The writer’s sentiments about the senator occupying the same seat in the last sixteen years with nothing to show is completely a misinformation of Kogi east public, as few kilometres from his village in Agbenema- Anyigba to Agudoko-Ayangba, where Senator Aidoko sited simultaneously a borehole for the community, a transformer and also an on going skill acquisition centre at commercial college in Anyigba.
Although, it is a known fact that the Victor Adoji led campaign organisation had provided a pinchomic, rickety and over used vehicles to his newly recruited political dogs to confront legitimate party members who had been piloting the good leadership of the party in the last three years.
Wonder shall never end! This is the same group of people, particularly the writer, whose accomplice was the formidable aspirant/ associate and the state leadership used the apparatus of government at its disposal to raze down his building that attract public sympathy including his old cargo motorcycle.
In Dekina local government, the home and headquarters of his local government, Kogi East senator recently provided a borehole, transformer and skill acquisition centre to ameliorate the basic social infrastructural challenges of the people.
By and large, Aidoko has provided over 15 transformers, 20 boreholes, skill acquisition centre, clinics and hospitals to the nine local government areas of Kogi East as the records are there to show the people.
Aside lawmaking, which is the primacy of his assignment at the red chamber, Senator Aidoko had presented bills and motions as well as made major contributions to issues that boarders on national development.
In his two terms stint, though disjointed by court processes, Kogi east senator has developed a template that will ensure the political emancipation of Kogi East. So, I wonder what anybody can do differently through precarious noise making and face book campaign that have no impact at all but deceitful.
We are waiting patiently to know further aside incompetence, non performance, non representation and nothing to show been canvassed by the paid supporters and self acclaimed writers against the senator representing Kogi East, that is after all a mere campaign of calumny and utter mischief to achieve their selfish end through their unholy association with Victor Alewo Adoji to colonize the people of Kogi East and the entire Igala race.
The threat of stone and fire, if in the event the idea of concession and automatic ticket is consummated, is needless, reckless, unacceptable, unmitigated, irrational, uncalled for to the betterment of Igala race.
We need to ponder on the profile and intimidating resume of Senator Atai Aidoko Ali to continue his efforts  to salvage the people and reflect on the desire to convince him to return to the Senate in 2019 with a brighter and reliable force to reckon now and after the election.
Victor Alewo Adoji cannot chair any committee of the Senate or emerge as principal officer of the Senate in the next dispensation, and what we may not know now and after the election if at all.
Some people with good intentions have resolved to persuade and feature Senator Aidoko as a sure way to exterminate bad governance in the state and the only way to liberate the Igala race.
– Abubakar Yusuf, a media consultant, writes from Abuja.

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