Ramadan: Ex-Rep Member Distributes Food Items to Muslims, Commends Kogi Governor

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A former member House of Representative who represented Okene/Ogori-Magongo federal constituency in the green chamber, Honourable Abdulazeez Idris King has commended Kogi State Governor for transforming the state in areas of infrastructures, security and health care delivery.

The former lawmaker made the commendation on Saturday in Okene, Kogi central senatorial district, while distributing food items to Muslims faithful as part of his Ramadan fasting charity works.

He called on the electorate in Kogi State to support the current administration led by Governor Yahaya Bello to enable him deliver the desired dividends of democracy to the people of the state.

The former lawmaker also urged Muslims faithful to use the period of the holy month of Ramadan to pray for the leadership of the state as well as peaceful coexistence of the diverse ethnic groups in Kogi State.

“The month of Ramadan is a holy month that God Almighty easily accept our supplications  and prayers. I am urging us to be fervent in prayer so that this state can be free of any crisis,” he said.

The gave our milk, sugar, bags of semolina and other food items to those observing the annual Ramadan fast.

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