Rabiu Alfa: Chronicles of A Fulfilled Tenure, The Stewardship and Victory

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Indeed, the greatest achievements of this worldly life was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of every soul, a waking angel stirs. So therefore, dreams are the seedlings of realities and the reality of Hon Alfa Momoh Rabiu serving the good people of Ankpa II State constituency was a long vision turn dream; and a dream come to pass.

Suffice to say that the absolute strength of a man is in his ability to translate vision into reality.

Be that as it may, the name Alfa Momoh Rabiu has been successfully and positively crested in the hearts of many as a result of the characteristic events which greeted his reign as member representing Ankpa II constituency at the Kogi state house of assembly.

Whereas the tenure has come to a close; his reelection for a second term in office is indeed enough justification to say – His first tenure was indeed a shared vision lived for, in and to the greater good of the people he represents. Hence, the motivation behind his peaceful, resounding, anticipated, divine and landslide victory at the polls.


It was a great philosopher with the name Maya Angelou that once said: “there is a world of difference between facts and truth, facts can obscure truth” and evidently, these quote manifests in Ankpa II constituency.

While the fact is that Hon Alfa Momoh Rabiu has to his credit well over one hundred achievements in his first tenure in office, the truth and with due respect to previous representatives of Ankpa II constituency is that; there is nothing on ground to their credit. Eventually, the facts of Hon Rabiu’s term obscure the truth that could have been should anyone allege a house of assembly member so not have the capacity to carry out projects within the constituency. Be that as it may; I have carefully summarised below a brief, modest and limited account of his stewardship between 2015-2019.


A call on the state government to through SDGs arrest erosion menace in Ajobe, Ojoku district of Ankpa local government area.

A Call On The House To Look Into 2017 KSU Strike occasioned by non payment of salary/ASUU proscription.

A call on the Kogi state government to renovate and reequip Kogi state house of assembly complex clinic for staff and management health needs.

A call on the Kogi state government to rehabilitate and reconstruct Ejegbo-Enabo-Ofugo-Abejukolo road.

A call on the Kogi state government to rename the Kogi state University Anyigba after late Prince Abubakar Audu.

A call on the house to set up a committee to check and caution irregularities in the Kogi state civil servants/pensions screening exercise.

A call on the state government to provide transformers and electricity cables to Ukpaba community of Ankpa local government area.

A Call on the state government to extend Government’s Presence To Okpoku Community in Ojoku district of Ankpa LGA.

A Call on the state Government To Ameliorate victims of flood in Enabo and other affected areas in Ankpa.

A Call on the state government to attend to erosion menace bedevilling Okobo/Enjema as a result of heavy rain and Coal extractions.


-120 people benefited from from free WAEC/NECO fees of fifteen thousand naira each in three sessions(2016,2017 & 2018)

-120 people benefited from free Jamb forms which were distributed in the year 2016, 3017 & 2018.

-A total of one hundred beneficiaries received fifty thousand naira each in addition to entrepreneurship starter packs distributed during the one year anniversary in 2016.

-A total of about fifty women have been empowered, assisted with soft cash and clothing materials through the Madam Rabiu pet project, Lucia hand in 2017 and 2018

-Among several other health intervention were three major assistance to health challenged constituents to the tune of not less than five hundred thousand naira.


-Forty sets of grinding machines

-Two hundred sacks of grain crops for SMEs

-Thirty motorcycles

-Fifty pieces of “six spring” foams to prison and orphanages


Enjema Ward 1: Construction of bore hole at Enjema,

Enjema Ward 2: Building of Open market shops at Ofugo,

Enjema Ward 3: Renovation of four classrooms block at Inye,

Enjema Ward 4: Construction of three classrooms blocks at LGEA Ajitata

Ojoku Ward 1: Building of Open Market shop at Ojoku agbodo central market

Ojoku Ward 2: Fencing and erosion control at Government Secondary school Okaba

Ojoku Ward 3: Building of Open market shops at Inyologu

Ojoku Ward 4: Building of open market shops at Ukwo doko market.


-Annual payment of external examination fee for forty students across the constituency

-Payment of two hundred and fifty thousand naira for WAEC worthiness of GSS Enabo

-Annual support to Ankpa/Igala students association across high institutions in Nigeria

-Construction of three classrooms block at GSS Enabo

-Distribution of “sales prohibited” notebooks to students across the constituency

-Donation of two hundred thousand naira to Okaba skills acquisition centre project


-Footing of medical bills for several indigent constituents

-Payment of appendix  surgical/operation bill for  many constituents

-Payment of medical bills for deceased and abandoned constituents

-Free medical outreach/distribution of anti hypertension drugs to the aged and HBP patients

-Renovation of selected Primary Health Care(PHC) centres across the constituency


-Resuscitation of a community borehole at Enagbede

-Construction of drainage and a gutter-cross culvert at Onupi

-Reconnection of Electricity lines/transformer repair at Awo-Akukunda

-Resuscitation of community borehole at Enabo

-Full Renovation and Completion mosques at Emabu and Agwula respectively

-Provision of generator and financial support to many churches and several mosques across the constituency

-Erosion Control: The sum of one hundred thousand naira each was released to Ajobe, Ojoku Odogomu, Okpoku,  Afor gam-gam, Emabu, Awo-akpali and some communities suffering from grave erosion menace to take palliative measures while pushing for government interventions


-Occasional welfare packages in the form of food stuff and soft cash to cushion the effect of hard economy

-Distribution of over one hundred bags of grain crops to market women as entrepreneurship start up during one year in office anniversary

-Free skill acquisition training program for forty youths each in not less than three phases

-Training of several women in soap making, beads making, pastries, seamstress, tye and dye et al.;

-Free distribution of clothing material to women by Madam Lucia Rabiu(Mrs)

-Regular visitation of orphanages by Madam Lucia Rabiu(Mrs) with souvenirs and toiletries 

-Collaborative efforts by Madam Lucia Rabiu(Mrs) and wives of political office holders to host women and children during festivities


-SDGs Visitation and capture of Ajobe, Olufofo and Emabu capturing for NEWMAP intervention

-Ongoing reconstruction of Ejegbo-Enabo-Ofugo-Abejukolo road project

-Construction of Primary Health Care Enabo

-Community Development Agreement(CDA) between Zuma company and Okobo/Enjema community

-Influencing of employment of constituents into the Kogi state board of internal revenue, Kogi state forest guards, Kogi state University and other recommendations for federal civil service.

At this juncture, it is important to state that achievement, of any kind, is the crown of efforts made by the regal power of thoughts. Hence, with self-control, resolution, purity of mind, righteous vision, and a well-directed labour; a man can achieve anything as witnessed in Ankpa II constituency.

Finally, no doubt in the fact that if animality, indolence, impurity, corruption, confusion and self service dominated the corridor of power; the achievements of the leader drastically descends and so; why the good people of Ankpa II constituency must continue to rally round Hon Alfa Momoh Rabiu for the best possible result in his coming tenure.

No doubt, he has done well – let the fire burn more!

Comrade A. M. Nasiru,
Senior Legislative Assistant to Hon Rabiu
Email: naadejohs@gmail.com
Twitter handle: @amnasiru

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